

Monday, June 24, 2024

Different Recovery Styles

Some (predictably) like to recharge on their own and others want to do so with others. It takes all types to make the world go round. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Divide & Conquer

It was a very full day, and we decided to divide and conquer. There was a Monroe and Mama dinner and a movie date. Monroe was over the moon about our dinner at Chinooks, which he came home saying was "very fancy". He tried clams for the first time and loved them... dunked in lots of melted butter. David and Parker went to a Seattle Seawolves rugby match with some friends, which no doubt included its own treats, as sporting events with kids almost always does. And Conway went to Reid's birthday party - starting with Top Golf and ending with a sleepover. Such a fun-filled day for everyone!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Last Day of School

Last Day of second, fourth, and seventh grade for these guys. Hard to believe next year will be the last year of elementary school for Conway and the last year of middle school for Parker! Where does the time go?!

P.S. First Day of School, Last Day of School 2023

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day

We picked up tacos in Fremont and headed over for some picnicking at Gas Works Park. It was a beautiful day to celebrate the best dad ever!

Friday, June 14, 2024

Field Day

Coe Elementary Field Day offered some pretty fun (and random) activities. Most notable was probably the dunk tank, where students could hit a target and dowse their principal or teacher with water. And of course, Monroe hit the target and drenched second grade teacher, Mr. McGregor. Hopefully there's no hard feelings?

Monday, June 10, 2024

Monroe Turns Eight!

Monroe is eight years old!! He is a bright, athletic, deeply feeling kid and he's getting so big! For his birthday dinner, we had a mini corndog and Caesar salad picnic at the Ballard Locks. Parker was at soccer practice and David was out of town, but Uncle Damo joined us for the fun. Monroe continues to keep us on our toes with his whit, humor, spunk, and bear hugs. And here's a bit more about 8-year-old Monroe. He...

  • is very enthusiastic and energetic, which are such lovely qualities most of the time. When he feels good about something, life is so good. And when he feels negatively about something, watch out.
  • is an outward processor so all those positive and negative feelings are visible and audible to all.
  • is smart as a whip! He excels at school, as long as he can keep his body under control and/or has a teacher with patience for all his movement. Thankfully, his second-grade teacher has lots of patience and adores Monroe (most of the time). 
  • is both friendly and independent. Monroe has lots of friends and still often chooses to play by himself.
  • still likes to play full imaginary sports games with made up teams and teammates and can be heard calling out the play-by-play of what's happening. 
  • made Seattle United soccer club's top team for his age group and they're gearing up for another great season. He's been working on improving his right foot and being almost ambidextrous seems to be handy and pretty rare at his age.
  • played baseball again this year and did great at hitting, fielding, and pitching. The game can be a bit slow for him so staying focused can be a challenge.
  • has been taking swim lessons and he's gotten to be a much more capable swimmer. 
  • really enjoys needling his brothers, which doesn't generally end well for anyone involved, including anyone who's nearby and has to listen to the whining and crying that ensues. 
  • gives really great compliments - specific, enthusiastic, and often out of the blue.
  • still likes to hike his pants up real high. Is that comfy?
  • loves to eat a variety of foods and he's usually pretty open to trying new things. 
  • lists macaroni and cheese, pizza, French toast, scrambled eggs with pancetta, and any eggs Papa makes as his favorite foods. His least favorite foods are salmon, shrimp, and olives.
  • has many stuffies, but his current favorites are Cloud the snow leopard, Sprinkles the seal, and Tramp the squishmellow.
  • lists snow leopards, snakes, spiders, otters, and seals as his favorite animals.
  • continues to be very physical. He loves big strong hugs with us and with Tater. He really loves to squeeze Tater, which she isn't a big fan of. 
  • is quick to say thanks and show gratitude for things and experiences.
  • has a truly infectious laugh!

P.S. Monroe Turns Seven

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Tater's First Hair Cut + Blowout = Glamour Shots

Apparently, Tater didn't love the grooming experience so there wasn't much in the way of overall length taken off, but they did trim around her feet and face. So, she can finally see! And they gave her a blowout, so she was really nice and poofy.