

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Parker Turns Thirteen

Parker is a teenager!! That's right, our sweet little guy is 13 and not so little anymore. And yet, he's still the same loving, curious, energetic, and incredibly empathetic kid he's always been. On his birthday, Parker had a soccer game in the morning and also went to a trampoline park. Per his request, we had tortellini soup and Caesar salad for dinner and a trip to Menchies for dessert. And here's a bit more about thirteen-year-old Parker. He...

  • had a great 7th grade year at Hamilton International Middle School (HIMS). He got great grades, made new friends, took his first year of Spanish, navigated middle school lunchroom antics, and rode the bus to and from school each day. All in all, a successful year!
  • made his school's JV soccer team, which is no small feat at a school of 1000+ kids. In true Parker style, he ran the mile from school to the soccer field most days, eager to be the first one there. Apparently, the coaches started placing bets on whether Parker would beat them there or not each day. Ha!
  • is doing another year of Seattle United soccer and thrilled with the premier team he made. We're excited for him, but not quite as excited that it will mean three nights a week of practice instead of two.
  • really enjoys golf, especially with his papa, and seems to be pretty good at it.
  • participated in his school's ski bus this year and mostly enjoyed it. The bus departed after school on Fridays and got back at about 10:30pm, which were pretty late nights for Parker. Not sure if he'll choose to do ski bus again, but he's gotten to be a much better skier. He has surpassed his mama's skiing abilities, not that that was terribly difficult to do, but still.
  • has also surpassed his mama in shoe size and nearly reached her height!
  • still prefers being with his family more than anyone else. It's been fun to see him develop other friendships, though, and be more independent.
  • has displayed a bit of teenage attitude at times, but he also says clever things and can be fun to joke around with. He's still learning to read the room and know his audience when telling jokes because things his middle school friends think are funny aren't always as well received by his parents.
  • can still be a bit scatterbrained and disorganized, but also tries really hard and actually loves to have everything in its place.
  • has many favorite sports teams, including the Chicago Bears, Portland Trailblazers, FC Barcelona, Seattle Sounders FC, Seattle Mariners, Cleveland Guardians, Seattle Seahawks, and the Argentina national football (soccer) team. Phew!
  • still loves the color orange and can be seen dressed in it from head to toe at times. 
  • has developed the appetite of a teenager and seems to always be hungry! Most vegetables aren't his favorite, but he does like carrots (because they're orange?) and seems to be a bottomless pit when it comes to pasta and bread.
  • says his favorite foods are chocolate, pasta, and bread. And his least favorites are squash, mushrooms, and olives.
  • still wants to be tucked in at night and frequently asks for back scratches and massages.
  • still gives the most amazing hugs.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Summer in Bend

We spent nearly two weeks in Bend, OR and it was Bend at its finest. There was lots of pool action and dinners with the Hueys. We biked into town for lunch a few times, Mill Works Pub and Monkless Belgian Ales Brasserie were favorites. We didn't do much in the way of mountain biking, but there was lots of golf. Basically whenever they want, the boys can now just grab their golf bags and head to the practice area on their own. It's awesome! We took our first trip to Elk Lake and did a bit of paddle boarding and splashing around. Tater had her first swimming experience, and it turns out she can swim, but she'd rather not. We also floated the Deschutes River, a definite highlight from the trip. The water was high, which led to a faster current and a quicker float down the river.  What a fun trip!

{Biking back home after lunch can be exhausting.}

{Parker finally upgraded his bike helmet after using the same one (with multiple insert changes) since he was two.}

{He swears it's safe. 😬}

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Queen Anne Running of the Bulls

No real bulls, but we did have to look out for the carts that were decorated like bulls. Those things would come for you!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Different Recovery Styles

Some (predictably) like to recharge on their own and others want to do so with others. It takes all types to make the world go round. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Divide & Conquer

It was a very full day, and we decided to divide and conquer. There was a Monroe and Mama dinner and a movie date. Monroe was over the moon about our dinner at Chinooks, which he came home saying was "very fancy". He tried clams for the first time and loved them... dunked in lots of melted butter. David and Parker went to a Seattle Seawolves rugby match with some friends, which no doubt included its own treats, as sporting events with kids almost always does. And Conway went to Reid's birthday party - starting with Top Golf and ending with a sleepover. Such a fun-filled day for everyone!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Last Day of School

Last Day of second, fourth, and seventh grade for these guys. Hard to believe next year will be the last year of elementary school for Conway and the last year of middle school for Parker! Where does the time go?!

P.S. First Day of School, Last Day of School 2023