

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Parker Turns Twelve!

Parker at 12 Years Old

Parker is 12 years old! Almost a teenager! And still the sweetest guy ever...most of the time. Parker has always been a pretty social guy and he made lots of new friends at middle school this past year, but he loves nothing more than coming home to his family and telling his brothers about his day. He continues to be inquisitive and enthusiastic, traits that proved to be big assets for his first year of middle school. And here's a little bit more about twelve-year-old Parker. He...
  • finished his first year of middle school! He got amazing grades, rode the bus home from school every day, and was generally pretty organized. Let's Go!
  • continues to be a morning person, which means he has a pretty sizeable amount of time in the morning before he has to leave for school now as he starts an hour later than last year.
  • is doing another year of Seattle United soccer. This year they start playing 11 a side on a big field so that will be pretty fun.
  • made the Hamilton Middle School soccer team as a sixth grader. It's a school of 1000 kids, 100 boys tried out for the team, and only 50 made the squad. He was very excited to make the JVC team. 
  • continues to take piano lessons and is really quite good. The gap in time between when his brothers leave for school and when he leaves has been a perfect time to get lots of piano practice in.
  • really enjoyed middle school choir this past year and signed up for it again next year. This means he won't be able to do P.E. next year, which is kind of his jam, so he must really like choir.
  • still loves to share information. He loves to tell about his day, what he's working on, and what's coming up...on his timeline. 
  • comes home from school pretty exhausted sometimes, which means that unless he has something really exciting to share, he often needs a few minutes of down time before he's ready to share all the things about his day. 
  • is obsessed with the color orange, which works out nicely as a Chicago Bears fan. 
  • has started to be pretty strategic about what he wears each day. He used to just pull out a pair of joggers and t-shirt without much thought about whether they match or not. Now, he chooses whole outfits down to the hat, jacket, and shoes - sometimes this means wearing all orange. 
  • wears the same size shoe as his mama!
  • loves his brothers more than anything in the world. If he could, he would spend every waking minute with them - talking to them, playing soccer in the back yard with them, tackling them. Unfortunately, things do eventually go sideways when your love language is "tackling". 
  • likes giving attitude to others, but doesn't love receiving it from his brothers. Go figure.
  • loves pasta, dessert in general, pizza, burgers, and waffles.
  • detests squash, mushrooms, and bok choi.
  • still gives such amazing hugs and snuggles! 

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