

Friday, June 30, 2023

Last Day of School

Last day of first grade and third grade for these two! Parker missed the last couple days of school to attend church middle school camp, but he finished up sixth grade like a champ. (The school year was extended because of the strike at the beginning of the year.) And now we have a second grader, fourth grader, and seventh grader!

{These preschool friends are now 4th graders!!}

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Buddies at the Pool

While Monroe played the final game in his first soccer tournament, these buddies palled it up at the Rainier pool. 

Monroe's First Seattle United Soccer Tournament

Monroe played in his first Seattle United soccer tournament and came in second place after narrowly losing in the final. Not bad for their first tourney!

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Happy Father's Day

We celebrated this guy with some family time at the golf course, watching golf on TV at home, and banana cream pie. He's the best dad ever!!

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Monroe Turns Seven!


Monroe at 7 Years Old
Height: 49.6 in (74%)
Weight: 58.4 lb (78%)
BMI: 16.7 (75%)

This kid is getting so big!! Monroe is super smart and very competitive, probably thanks to constantly trying to compete with his two older brothers. TBD on what Monroe grows up to be of course, but he enjoys a good debate, often has a mischievous glimmer in his eye, and loves a good time. And here's a bit more about 7-year-old Monroe. He...
  • is very enthusiastic and expressive, whether with positive or negative feelings. And those feeling can come on very quickly...and for seemingly no intelligible reason to us onlookers. 
  • loves playing with both of his brothers, sometimes all three together and sometimes paired off. The consistent thing is that it usually ends in someone crying/yelling/screaming. And yet they always seem to want to play together again next time. 
  • is an expert at pushing his brothers' buttons. He'll say some pretty ridiculous things with a completely straight face, just wait for someone to inevitably call him on it, and then get a real kick out of the argument that ensues. He loves it. The rest of us do not.
  • still loves playing make-believe sports games with unlikely team matchups and you can frequently hear him saying "Let's Go!" during the game.
  • played baseball this year and to no one's surprise he's pretty good at it. 
  • still throws and hits as a righty and writes and kicks as a lefty.
  • started playing Seattle United soccer and he is super proud of himself for making the top team for his age. He sees the field well, which often leads to pretty nice passes and runs. His rocket of a left foot and the physicality that gets him in trouble with his brothers both come in handy on the soccer field. 
  • still can't sit still to save his life, which was pretty tricky in his first-grade classroom this year. He's excelling academically, but his wiggly body and non-stop talking tend to be distracting.
  • lists mac n' cheese, French toast, cantaloupe, and watermelon as his favorite foods. He says his least favorite foods are plain lettuce, salmon, and shrimp. 
  • continues to be a good sleeper and usually asleep by around 8pm and awake at around 7am. He will sleep later if he's up late the night before, though, which is nice. 
  • gives super sweet hugs, though they are often short lived. 
  • is usually great at sharing and always wants his brothers to be involved in whatever fun he's having.