

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Conway Turns Nine!

Conway is nine years old!! This kid is growing so big and strong and smart and he has gotten really good at making friends with sensitivity and wit. He's an internal processor and sometimes leaves us fishing for information about him and his thoughts so when he wants hugs and snuggles, you know it's sincere and you better soak it up. And here's a little more about nine-year-old Conway. He...

  • still loves four-square and would play it after school every day if he had his way.
  • still loves soccer and baseball and he's added basketball to his list of team sports this year. His basketball team had a pretty good season, especially considering it was the first time most of them had played on a basketball team. Conway has good dribbling skills and a great layup. 
  • started playing Seattle United select soccer this year and it's going great. He's fast and aggressive and when he gets beat you better watch out because the kid holds a grudge. 
  • is doing well at school and generally really enjoying himself. He definitely likes a challenge and takes pride in his schoolwork.  
  • is really creative and turns out very interesting pieces of art and writing by often thinking outside the box. Will he be a writer? Or an artist? Or a zoologist like he says he wants to be?
  • still loves to sleep so getting up in the morning with enough time to eat breakfast before school can be a challenge sometimes. 
  • can still be found just snuggling in his bed with his sleep sacks and stuffies from time to time.
  • loves all his stuffies, but Cuggles the snow leopard is his current favorite.
  • has been devouring Harry Potter books. He still loves non-fiction books about animals, but he's a pretty well-rounded voracious reader these days.
  • has adopted some extra attitude this year, which he would probably describe as swagger and some of us would still just call attitude. 
  • is pretty into his style and loves to sport a sparkly necklace, muscle tanks, and anything hot pink.
  • lists mongooses, snow leopards, red pandas, and snakes as his current favorite animals.
  • says his favorite foods are French toast, orange chicken, peppers, and pears. His least favorite food is tofu.
  • can still get a chip on his should and take things personally pretty easily.
  • loves to debate anything and everything and gives pretty good eye rolls and stank face, but he's also loyal and will use his powers of debate for his brothers and friends if the situation presents itself.
  • still has four adorable dimples when he smiles! 

Friday, February 24, 2023

Mid-Winter Break in Sun Peaks, BC

This year for mid-winter break we headed to Sun Peaks, BC for the first time and it was great! There was a ton of amazing snow, which made for tricky driving and wonderful skiing. The kids didn't love how incredibly cold it was, but they still did great. Monroe took a couple of lessons and then skied with the rest of us a bit too. Our place was ski in/ski out which was lovely for getting on and off the slopes. It did make getting into town a little tricky so most of our time was spent skiing or back at our place playing games, watching sports, or in the hot tub. Thanks Sun Peaks!

{shoveled our way into the garage}

{sometimes you need a back rub while watching basketball}

{thrilled to find Donna & Mollie at the ice rink}