

Sunday, July 31, 2022

River Girls Reunion at Lost Lake


The "River Girls" finally made it back together! We all went on an amazing river trip together back in 2017, which we lovingly called the Smoked Salmon. Someone had the idea to have a reunion each year and we started by meeting up in Camas the next summer. In 2019 we met in Alta and then in Wisconsin for Damian and Elly's wedding a couple months later. And then Covid happened so we haven't all been together since 2019!

This time we all converged upon Grandma Lois's lake house on Lost Lake and it was as if no time had passed. We had fun in the water, played bocce ball, ate good meals, and laughed a lot. Already can't wait for the next one!

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Parker Turns Eleven!

Parker at 11 Years Old
Height: 57.48in
Weight: 70lb 12.8oz

Parker is now eleven years old and starting middle school soon! It's hard to believe, but this guy really is growing so big and dare I say, responsible. His favorite shirt is his "Heart of Gold" shirt, and it really is a spot-on descriptor of him. We all have things we're working on, and Parker is no exception, but at the end of the day, he cares so deeply about people and how the world works. He continues to be very curious, inquisitive, and interested in how and why things work the way they do. And here's a bit more about eleven-year-old Parker. He... 

  • mostly really loves that he's getting older and more responsible.
  • continues to be a morning person.
  • will attend Hamilton International Middle School in September. He seems to be equal parts nervous and excited.
  • has feet the same size as his mama!
  • is doing a second year of Seattle United and loving it! Plus, he's getting better every day. He has good foot work and does a great job of picking his head up and finding space. It also helps that he's fast and has a rocket of a shot. He's working on being more physical, which is surprising given how physical he is with his brothers.
  • loves to talk and generally likes it when people listen, but someone listening doesn't seem to be a requirement for him to start telling a story or explaining something.
  • still loves to touch everything and figure out how it works.
  • sometimes has a bit of pre-teen attitude. We aren't a huge fan of it.
  • loves raspberries, pasta, hot sauce, and lemon bars.
  • detests squash, mushrooms, and olives.
  • still loves his stuffed animals. Fluff the tiny Beagle is still his most prized possession. 
  • still loves to read books together before bed. I hope this never changes.
  • is constantly singing and humming. He even signed up for choir as an elective next year. 
  • continues to take piano lessons and he's very good at it, but he doesn't seem as into it as he has in the past.
  • Still gives the most amazing hugs and doles them out liberally. 

Friday, July 22, 2022

Summer in Bend

It turns out the rumors are true - the weather in Bend can actually be quite nice. Our last two visits (for Spring Break and Memorial Day) had less than ideal conditions, but this trip we finally got to experience warm and sunny Bend!

Grandma Dianna and Grandpa Terry joined us for the first few days, and we explored the nearby lava tubes. We got to see the Hueys a few times and floated the Deschutes River with Tiffany. We hit the trails on our bikes, explored the town a bit, and had lots of pool time. The boys even got to do golf camp and soccer camp while in Bend. And here are a few pictures... 

{Entrance to Lava River Cave}

{Conway continues to get pretty epic bed head}

{The unofficial game of the trip was Rush Hour}

{Tetherow golf camp for all three boys}

{And a bit of time in the practice area with Papa}

{Soccer camp with the state champion Summit High School soccer team}

See ya next time, Bend.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Lake Chelan for the 4th of July

Another week in Chelan is in the books! It was a week filled with the usual suspects: 4th of July bike parade and fireworks, pool time, boating on the lake, soccer on the lawn, a bit of basketball, lots of mini-golf, bowling, great food, and many, many popsicles. This year, the boys took a self-directed approach to activity selection a lot of the time. They would check in, say where they were going next, and be off with their buddies. It was really quite fun to see in action this year!

{Um, maybe he needs bigger shorts?}