

Friday, June 17, 2022

The Last Day of School

Maybe it's because we were just so thankful for the kids to be back in school this year and it was always in the back of our minds that at any moment we might have to switch back to virtual learning, but I think we're all a bit sad that the school year is over. Certainly, we're excited for summer adventures, but this year held a whole new kind of gratitude for our friends, our teachers, and the Coe community as a whole. It was particularly hard for Parker to walk out of the building on the last day of school, his last as a student there. But we wiped away our tears and headed to Ken's Market for our customary last day of school ice cream treats. And now the Totten household has a first grader, a third grader, and a sixth grader!

{Monroe and Ward, his best buddy}

{Conway and Jordyn, one of his best friends}

{Parker and Kate, his Kindergarten reading buddy}

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