

Friday, June 10, 2022

Monroe Turns Six!

Monroe at 6 Years Old
Height: 47.24 in (81%)
Weight: 52lb (80%)
BMI: 16.4 (76%)

Monroe is six years old, and he is a hoot! He had an amazing year in kindergarten and his teacher, Ms. Waterman, had so many nice things to say about Monroe...we believe most of it. It was so fun for Monroe to be at Coe with his two big brothers. It was pretty cool for him to be the kindergartener who so many of Parker's "big" fifth grade friends would say hi to - a bit like celebrity status. And here's a little more about six-year-old Monroe. He...
  • still has high highs and low lows. He can go from the happiest kid on the planet to sprawled out on the floor in the biggest fit in about half a second for reasons that often evade the rest of us.
  • loves pretty much anything involving a ball.
  • can play a make-believe game of basketball/football/soccer/baseball all by himself for an incredible length of time. The teams often don't make sense to anyone except him, which makes it even more fun to watch. 
  • still yells, "Stop it, Conway/Parker!" a lot. We're still working on being more specific and asking a kind question rather than just yelling. He'll get it any day now. 
  • loves his brothers intensely but does not love to be told what to do by them. He also apparently doesn't like for them to look at him, which is hard to steer clear of completely. 
  • still loves to read. He got tired of Magic Tree House books about half-way through the series and has moved on to Stick Cat, Stick Dog, Puppy Place. He also still loves The Berenstein Bears.
  • still loves a whole array of stuffies. His favorites are Kodi the bear, Cyber the tiger, Tigey the tiger, Begger the penguin, and Rainbow. He doesn't like to sleep with them, but they are often involved in his make-believe play or just watching him do something. 
  • still kicks and writes as a lefty and throws and swings righty.
  • lists French toast, waffles, cheesy scrambled eggs, and nachos as his favorite foods. Monroe's least favorite foods are onions, avocado, shrimp, and salmon.
  • is a good sleeper. He still has a short quiet time after school, in which he reads and plays quietly in his room. He only very rarely falls asleep then, though. 
  • very physical. He basically cannot play a sport with his brothers or even his friends without putting his hands on them or tackling. He seems to do okay in organized sports with kids he doesn't know, though, so that's good.
  • has some pretty fun/funny facial expressions. Hard to describe them here, but Monroe continues to be very expressive. 
  • gives amazing hugs and snuggles. They don't last long, but they're the sweetest.

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