It was "Decades Dress-Up Day" at Coe Elementary and Conway represented with a tie-dye shirt and a mohawk. It was quite the hit until his hair popped a balloon they were using in P.E. Oops!

Friday, January 28, 2022
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Ski + Date Day
Friday, January 21, 2022
Family of Five at a Kraken Game
The five of us all finally made it to a Kraken game together! It was Conway and Monroe's first game and Parker had a good time giving them a tour of the Arena. We took the bus down early enough to eat Dick's burgers outside the Arena before heading in and then watched the team warm up from right behind the glass. The pucks hitting the glass right in front of us was actually pretty jarring! It was not the Kraken's best showing, but we had a blast anyway. And we knew it was time to go home when the kids started resting their heads against each other.
Monday, January 3, 2022
Meet Coral!
Sunday, January 2, 2022
Starting the New Year Off Right
We started off the new year with naps, mug cakes, and Nintendo. Follow that up with mini corndogs and tater tots while watching a movie? Coming out of this vacation mode might be a tad bumpy.
Saturday, January 1, 2022
Happy New Year!
Rolling into 2022 with make-your-own pizzas and sparkling drinks. We raised our glasses to the new year while watching the ball drop on east coast time and then said farewell to 2021.
{Just a man and his pizza oven...and his music...and his cocktail}
P.S. Happy New Year 2021