

Monday, November 29, 2021

Grandma Fixes Ali & Moonface

While in Camas for Thanksgiving, Monroe learned the hard way that leaving stuffed animals lying around in a house that has real live pets can have unfortunate consequences. The Johnson family dog, Maisie, loves nothing more than chewing the hard parts off stuffed animals and Monroe's stuffies, Ali the meerkat and Moonface the deer, lost their eyes and nose to the experience. Monroe was very upset, but when Grandma Connie visited a few days later, she replaced their missing parts with buttons. Ali and Moonface are (almost) as good as new and Monroe is thrilled! Grandma Connie for the win!

Friday, November 26, 2021

Totten Family Thanksgiving

And for Thanksgiving number two, we were so thankful to be able to get together with David's family! We don't see them nearly enough and the boys had so much fun with cousin Anjali. Also, the butter at the kids table was shaped like a turkey - very impressive!

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Jackson Family Thanksgiving

David, Matt, Parker, and Philip got after a Thanksgiving Day 5k called Run for the Hungry, which raises money to help feed the hungry in the local community. The rest of us stayed back and got started on preparations for our own meal later on. It's always fun to gather with family, but we were grateful for the opportunity to get together this year more than ever. And it was the first time in probably a couple of decades that we got to have Damian with us for Thanksgiving - so much to be thankful for! 

{The kids table - sadly missing Lucien and Lily}

{Apparently turkey makes people tired}

{Parker jumped at the opportunity to have access to nerf guns}

{And what gathering is complete without the lift scene from Dirty Dancing}

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Monroe's Snack Mix

Last year Monroe got a recipe for something called "Thanksgiving Fall Snack Mix" from his Pre-K teachers and of course he started asking to make it again this year as soon as we started talking about Thanksgiving. It's a little bit salty, a lot sweet, and easy enough for Monroe to basically make it on his own. What's not to love?! 


Saturday, November 20, 2021

Go Falcons!

Two of the boys' main babysitters play for the Seattle Pacific University women's soccer team and it's always such a hit when we get to watch them play. This time the boys made signs to help them cheer on the girls. Go Falcons!

Monday, November 15, 2021

School Pictures

{Parker - Grade 5}

{Conway - Grade 2}

{Monroe - Kindergarten}

Sunday, November 14, 2021

One Step Closer

These tough guys were very excited to finally get their first dose of the Covid vaccine!

Monday, November 1, 2021

The Great Candy Sort

This year, the boys decided to pool their Halloween haul, sort it, and then do a draft. After several rounds, the favorites seemed to be Doritos and...tootsie rolls? They probably got their love of chips from me, but I did not pass down tootsie roll loving genes.