

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The School Year Begins for Parker & Conway

Parker and Conway are off to full-day in-person school! Finally!! They are so excited to go back to the classroom. But how can they be in fifth grade and second grade?! They got amazing teachers and they both have buddies in their classes. It's shaping up to be an excellent year. Let's do this!! 

Parker is starting his last year at Coe Elementary and it kind of feels like just yesterday we were sending him off to his first day of kindergarten. He has Ms. Fernandi this year, the teacher he was hoping for, and some of his best buddies in his class. This kid loves animals, make believe with his stuffies, and sports. He's our little engineer and he still loves taking things apart to see how they work.

Conway is very excited to have Mr. McGregor for second grade! The last time we sent him off for his first full day of in person school he was starting kindergarten. Wow has he grown since then! He still loves all things animals, including resting with his favorite stuffies any chance he gets. Conway is not a morning person so we thought getting back to an early start time would be tough, but he was raring to go on his first day of school.

{Our tradition of ice cream treats from Ken's Market after the first day of school lives on}

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