

Sunday, September 12, 2021

A Dingy Ride and an Introduction

With both sadness and great joy, we recently said goodbye to our sailboat, Mayspot. But in her place, we welcome Damian and Elly's new sailboat, Subira. We took the kids to meet Subira at Shilshole Bay and as has been most of our experiences with the kids on sailboats, the excursion did not last long. Damo took Conway and Monroe out for a ride in the dingy while David and I were alone in peace on Subira for approximately two minutes. No actual pictures of the sailboat, which is a huge miss, but one that it won't be difficult to rectify in the near future. We can't wait for all the fun we'll have with Damian and Elly on Subira, a name that means "Patience". What a perfect name for these two and their boat. Sometimes patience really does pay off. 

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