

Sunday, September 12, 2021

A Dingy Ride and an Introduction

With both sadness and great joy, we recently said goodbye to our sailboat, Mayspot. But in her place, we welcome Damian and Elly's new sailboat, Subira. We took the kids to meet Subira at Shilshole Bay and as has been most of our experiences with the kids on sailboats, the excursion did not last long. Damo took Conway and Monroe out for a ride in the dingy while David and I were alone in peace on Subira for approximately two minutes. No actual pictures of the sailboat, which is a huge miss, but one that it won't be difficult to rectify in the near future. We can't wait for all the fun we'll have with Damian and Elly on Subira, a name that means "Patience". What a perfect name for these two and their boat. Sometimes patience really does pay off. 

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Date Night with Parker

While David had Conway and Monroe with him at his family reunion, Parker and I had some solo time together. We stayed behind for Parker's first official Seattle United soccer game (in which he scored two goals!) and we also got to go out for sushi dinner, just the two of us. This kid is such great fun and it was really nice to spend some one on one time together! 

Buerkle Family Reunion

David's mom's family had a reunion so David took Conway and Monroe with him to visit his family, some of whom they had never even met before. Unfortunately, Parker's first official soccer game with his new team was on the same day so he and I stayed behind for that.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Treva's First Day of Preschool

Yep, I had my first day of preschool, teaching preschool that is. I'm teaching three year olds at Little Red Wagon Preschool and I couldn't be happier! It's three days a week while the boys are all in school and it's so much fun to be back in the classroom teaching. 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Monroe Starts Kindergarten!

This guy started kindergarten and he is SO excited!! He's excited to be at Coe with his big brothers. He's excited to have Ms. Waterman as his teacher. He's excited about the friends he already knows and the ones he will make. And we are so excited to have all three boys at Coe for one glorious year. 

Monroe loves playing with his stuffed animals, he loves reading, and he's a legit pro at the monkey bars. We can't wait to see what kindergarten holds for our future little scientist. Go get 'em kid!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The School Year Begins for Parker & Conway

Parker and Conway are off to full-day in-person school! Finally!! They are so excited to go back to the classroom. But how can they be in fifth grade and second grade?! They got amazing teachers and they both have buddies in their classes. It's shaping up to be an excellent year. Let's do this!! 

Parker is starting his last year at Coe Elementary and it kind of feels like just yesterday we were sending him off to his first day of kindergarten. He has Ms. Fernandi this year, the teacher he was hoping for, and some of his best buddies in his class. This kid loves animals, make believe with his stuffies, and sports. He's our little engineer and he still loves taking things apart to see how they work.

Conway is very excited to have Mr. McGregor for second grade! The last time we sent him off for his first full day of in person school he was starting kindergarten. Wow has he grown since then! He still loves all things animals, including resting with his favorite stuffies any chance he gets. Conway is not a morning person so we thought getting back to an early start time would be tough, but he was raring to go on his first day of school.

{Our tradition of ice cream treats from Ken's Market after the first day of school lives on}