

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Little League Pictures

Baseball season is always a bit of a hectic time, but it was such a welcomed activity this year! After a year of basically no normal activities, it was so wonderful for the boys to get out there and play with other kids. By the end of the season I'm usually very ready for it to be over so that our evenings and weekends aren't dictated by baseball, but it felt kind of sad to be done with it this year. Parker even said he felt like his team had become kind of like a family and that he was going to miss them. The halt to David's work travel due to Covid meant that he could coach both of the big boys' baseball teams. It was a LOT of coaching and I'm not sure he would sign up to coach them both again, but I think the ability to spend that time with them was a small silver lining to this crazy year.


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