

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Cooling Off at Lost Lake

We went to Lost Lake for the first time this summer during the crazy heat wave that hit the Pacific Northwest and it was just what we needed! We met up there with Sarah, Philip, and Sami. And Grandma Connie and Mollie came too. The dads had to work, but the rest of us got to jump in the lake, take the row boat across to explore the island, try out our new paddle board, and of course all the general cousinland antics.  

Friday, June 25, 2021

Golf Camp

The big boys had golf camp this week! And while they were swinging clubs, Monroe and I observed the wildlife in Elliott Bay and did some miniature golf of our own. 


Sunday, June 20, 2021

Happy Father's Day!

We were in town for Father's Day this year and after attending one of Parker's soccer games we got some take-out and headed to Gas Works Park for a picnic. As the kids played on the playground, us adults enjoyed some adult beverages with a view of Lake Union. Beautiful!

We are very lucky to have this guy in our lives. David does so much to keep us happy and healthy and he definitely knows how to bring the fun! He makes everything bigger and more enriched. David really is the best dad ever!

{Tic Tac Toe in a bag, a Father's Day gift from Monroe}

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

So Long, Fourth Grade! Goodbye, First Grade!

Parker - Grade 4, Conway - Grade 1

The 2020-2021 school year has come to an end! It was a weird one, but these two guys had amazing teachers and oddly, it feels like they actually had a really wonderful and productive school year. And now we say hello to summer vacation!

Monday, June 14, 2021

Parker's Queen Anne Spring Soccer

Because baseball didn't offer enough time participating in sports, Parker played spring soccer as well. The time commitment was much less for soccer than it was for baseball and it is definitely proving to be Parker's sport of choice. And it turns out the kid has some skills!

The last game of the season was a wet one, but the dads still found a way to stay dry while enjoying their bevvies.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Little League Pictures

Baseball season is always a bit of a hectic time, but it was such a welcomed activity this year! After a year of basically no normal activities, it was so wonderful for the boys to get out there and play with other kids. By the end of the season I'm usually very ready for it to be over so that our evenings and weekends aren't dictated by baseball, but it felt kind of sad to be done with it this year. Parker even said he felt like his team had become kind of like a family and that he was going to miss them. The halt to David's work travel due to Covid meant that he could coach both of the big boys' baseball teams. It was a LOT of coaching and I'm not sure he would sign up to coach them both again, but I think the ability to spend that time with them was a small silver lining to this crazy year.


Saturday, June 12, 2021

Parker's Little League Season Comes to a Close

This tough guy finished off his baseball season with a trip to the Queen Anne Little League AAA championship game! Truth be told, Parker's team, Blue Highway Games, had a bit of a slow start so we were all a bit surprised when they performed so well in the end of the season tournament.  In the bottom of the last inning of the semi-finals, Parker's team was up by one with one out and Parker made an amazing line drive catch to keep his team in the lead. A crazy play to home at the next at bat ended in the third out and Blue Highway Games was headed to the championship! The final game was a bit of a nail biter and in the end Parker's team lost by one run. It was a tough loss, but the boys played hard and now baseball season has come to a close.  

Monroe's 5th Birthday Party!

In lieu of a big birthday blowout, we opted for a low-key gathering with Monroe's preschool friends at the playground. We sang Happy Birthday, ate donuts, and played chase. All-in-all, a successful birthday party. And now Monroe is FIVE!

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Monroe Turns Five!


Monroe at 5 Years Old
Height: 44.9 in (85%)
Weight: 46lb 10oz (82%)
BMI: 16.0 (74%)

Monroe is five years old!! He continues to be full of energy and enthusiasm. Monroe is very sweet and loving and also loves to throw attitude. He has a voice and he is not afraid to use it. Monroe is getting so big and he's very excited to start Kindergarten in September at Coe with his big brothers. And here is a little bit more about five year old Monroe. He...

  • started riding his bike without training wheels just after he turned 4 years old and he hasn't looked back. He's a pro on the bike. 
  • is a monkey bar machine. He really wanted to be able to do the monkey bars and he stuck with it through lots of blisters.
  • loves to read anything he sees - shirts, road signs, etc..
  • is a legit reader! He reads an astounding array of books and he does so with such great enthusiasm and expression. He knew the sounds of all the letters and had a ton of sight words under his belt so when he started asking questions about other letter combinations we got after it. It's really fun to see him so proud of himself when he reads. 
  • kicks with his left foot and writes with his left hand, but it appears as though he prefers to throw with his right hand.
  • is no longer napping. He still has a quiet time most days from about 1:00pm to 3:00pm. He reads for a while and then plays on his own in his room.
  • has a ton of stuffed animals and his current favorite is Syber, his newest stuffed tiger.
  • can play for a long time on his own and it usually involves lots of imaginative play with stuffies, cars, and sometimes utilizes a structure he's build out of blocks or Legos.
  • loves to have pretend baseball or football games and he loves to keep us updated on the score. "Mama, the Mariners are playing the Yankees. Who do you think is ahead?"
  • is doing a great job sleeping in his big boy bed (mostly). Every now and again he comes back out of his room at night with some random request, but now that he isn't napping, he's pretty tired by the end of the day. 
  • still yells "Stop It!" rather frequently. We're still working with him on being more specific about what he would like the other person to stop doing and communicating it with a tad bit calmer tone. It absolutely does not help when his brothers laugh when he yells at them to stop. 
  • has an easier time playing with Conway than Parker these days, but they all can get really into a good round of imaginative play with their stuffed animals. Their current favorite seems to be stuffy school. 
  • still has a couple of fun mispronunciations: buacamole = guacamole, witerally = literally, shwetty = sweaty.
  • lists French toast, pancakes, and waffles as his favorite foods - he loves a good syrup covered carb at breakfast. His favorite vegetable is asparagus and his favorite fruit is watermelon. Monroe's least favorite food is any type of beans: green beans, black beans, white beans - not a fan.
  • can get pretty frustrated and he mutters to himself when he's upset. He'll go into his room and we can hear him talking himself through the situation - a lot of verbal processing.
  • is very physical. He loves to tackle his brothers, but then he often goes down crying.
  • says some really cute things like "This is a delight!" I with I could think of more examples like this. 
Somehow, the concept of our children choosing their birthday dinner has spun into choosing every single thing they eat on their birthday. See below for a picture of Monroe's menu items. He started out asking for French toast for every meal, but we were able to persuade him to add in some variety. 

Happy Birthday Monroe! We Love you!