

Monday, May 31, 2021

Rainier Golf & Country Club

David is very excited to finally be a member of a golf club, Rainier Golf & Country Club to be exact, and the rest of the family isn't going to mind the pool this summer either. We tried it out Memorial Day weekend and it was a shock to no one that the boys had a great time in the pool and even spent a bit of time on the practice area of the golf course. It's hard to lose with pool time, mini corn dogs, tater tots, and golf. 

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Go Sounders! Go! (In Person Again, Finally!)

The stadium is back open and it felt great to be able  to see the Sounders play! We were farther away from the field than we're use to for Sounders games because of the distance between seats due to Covid, but it was actually pretty nice to have the extra space around us. One thing that hasn't changed - the boys' favorite part about going to a game is still the hotdogs, popcorn, and dip-n-dots. Go Sounders!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

When Damo & Elly Visit...

there's sports-watching with Uncle Damo...

cookie-baking with Aunt Elly...

and lots of silliness and fun!

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day

When Mother's Day starts out with me getting to sleep in and that's followed up by my favorite breakfast sandwich made by David, it's clearly going to be a good day. After breakfast, we went to Parker's soccer game (in which he scored a hat-trick!). And then after a bit of relaxing, we set out for the beach again this Mother's Day, this year opting for Golden Gardens. David packed us a picnic dinner and the boys suited up for some fun on the beach - only to realize when we arrived that it was a little too cold for the boys to splash in the water and a little too windy to eat on the beach. Instead, David and I sipped rosé while the boys climbed on the play structure and then we got a classic beach chocolate? Well, it might not be a beach classic, but the boys enjoyed it none the less. And dinner was still delicious in the comfort of our warm home. 
Happy Mother's Day!

{Hot chocolate is a little too hot sometimes}

P.S. Mother's Day 2020