

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Spring Break Photos: Palm Springs

For Spring Break this year we headed to Palm Springs! It felt both strange and amazing after a year of what felt like barely leaving our house. Parker studied national parks in school last year so he was very excited to visit Joshua Tree National Park one day. (See the boys posing by a Joshua Tree above.) We also did a little miniature golf and visited The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens. In the end though, we spent most of our time in or around the pool at the rental house. It was so nice to just relax in the sun and warmth. And here are some photos of the trip...

Friday, April 9, 2021

Back to (Hybrid) School

It was all smiles when the boys got to go into their classrooms at Coe Elementary & Little Red Wagon Preschool for the first time this year. Parker and Conway are back Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 11:45 - 2:30 and virtual on Wednesdays. Monroe is back Monday and Friday at 9:30 - 12:00 and virtual Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. There isn't a lot of overlap in their schedules, unfortunately. But if the weather is good on Monday or Friday, I get a glorious 15 minute solo walk in the sunshine from dropping the big boys off to picking up Monroe. Sometimes it's the little things in life that can bring us joy. 😊

Ice cream treats from Ken's Market at the end of the first week of school is a tradition of ours that usually happens in September, but they were still just as tasty in April. It's a little more festive eating them outside in the sunshine, but the boys weren't complaining about eating ice cream in the kitchen when the weather didn't cooperate. 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter!

It's funny how the boys don't seem very phased by how things are done these days as long as important holidays and traditions are marked and celebrated in some way. Case and point - Easter. We still did Zoom church. We still decorated Easter eggs. We still did an Easter egg hunt (even if it wasn't with our friends and there was no Easter Bunny sighting). It was a bummer to once again not get to have brunch with our friends, but the eagerness and good spirits of these boys reminds us that we do still have so much to be thankful for, not the least of which - Christ is Risen! Happy Easter!