

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Mid-Winter Break in Bend

Team Totten (along with what seemed like half of Seattle) headed to Bend, Oregon for mid-winter break this year. We were suppose to be in Whistler, Canada, but alas, Covid kept us from leaving the good ole US of A. Our friends, the Hueys, moved to Bend recently so the families we usually go to Whistler with made the trek to Bend instead. It was a bit strange to be digging our car out of snow in Seattle in order to get to the snow on Mt. Bachelor, but we did it. And after about 7 hours of white knuckle driving in snow down I-5, through Portland, and across the Mt. Hood pass, we arrived safe and sound in Bend.  

The Mt. Bachelor ski area was not prepared for Seattle to descend upon it, which led to some epic lines just to get into the parking lot and then some pretty crazy lift lines. Our first day on the mountain didn't go quite as we'd pictured, but eventually we figured out a system that avoided parking lot lines and allowed everyone to get after some skiing. There was tons of snow and even a gorgeous blue bird day! 

It's really great that Parker's skills have progressed enough for him to be able to ride up any of the lifts that David and I are interested in so we can just ski together. Conway's skills and confidence improved a lot and by our last day he was riding up the beginner lift with only Parker by his side and skiing down without any assistance. And Monroe got to experience the joys of skiing for the very first time. 😵

We also got to explore a bit of Bend, see friends around outdoor fire pits and on the slopes, and do some sledding. And then it was time to barricade Conway in the back of our car again and head home. It was a really fun time and we're excited to go back and experience what Bend has to offer in the summer!

{I promise Conway is in the car somewhere, surrounded by bags and sleds and ski gear}

{Evidence of a family of five ski day}

{All tuckered out}

{We were finally able to get a glimpse of the mountain on our fourth day in Bend - Beautiful!}

{Not sure what Parker enjoyed more - skiing or visiting the rescue dogs}

{Beautiful Day = LONG Lines}

{Monroe did some shredding...and some wiping out}

{Conway rode the magic carpet and practiced his turns about a thousand times}

{Conway got some good air on the sledding jump...}

{...and so did Monroe}

{Parker brought his skis to the jumps at the sledding hill}

{David's turn}

So long, Bend. Until next time...

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