

Friday, September 4, 2020

Back to (Virtual) School

The first day of school is here! It will definitely be a different school year as we're doing it virtually for the foreseeable future, but at least we don't have to put shoes on for the walk to school. 😄 And we're all very excited about both Parker and Conway's teachers ... so let's go!

Parker started fourth grade with Ms. Gunsolus - fourth grade!! He chose to wear his "heart of gold" shirt for the first day of school and there isn't a better descriptor for this guy who says, "When I grow up I want to be a dad." His favorite people are Ms. Russell (his third grade teacher) and Lydia (his best friend from third grade who sadly isn't in his class this year.)

Conway started first grade with Mrs. Diller! He's all about animals - reading about animals, writing books about animals, drawing pictures of animals - so it should come as no surprise that he wants to be a zoo keeper when he grows up. And the kid definitely loves resting. See below for how I found him during one of his "recesses" on the first day of school.

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