

Monday, September 21, 2020

Monroe Starts Pre-K!

Monroe started (virtual) Pre-K! He'll be doing Zoom calls with his friends and teachers a few times a week and picking up supplies every Friday to use for activities at home the following week. Hard to say how virtual learning will go for this energetic four year old, but at least he's excited to have "calls" like his big brothers. And how is this Monroe's last year before heading to kindergarten?!  

Thursday, September 17, 2020

If You Exist!

Monroe has a new slightly incorrect phrase that I just couldn't leave undocumented. When asked to do something these days he often replies with, "If you exist". Here are some examples: 

Me: Please clean up your room.
Monroe: If you exist!

Me: Put on your shoes so we can go outside and play.
Monroe: If you exist!

Me: Let's go get ice cream!
Monroe: If you exist!

I was a bit confused at first, but it turns out he thinks he's saying "If you insist" 😂 which also strikes me as a pretty humorous phrase for a four year old.  I've started using this alternate wording, but it seems to be less humorous coming from me. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

3rd Annual Labor Day at Seabrook

As with everything these days, our trip to Seabrook for Labor Day was a little different this year. There were no multi-family karaoke nights, but we still got a house with the Hueys and we still had a great time riding bikes, playing at the beach, and eating ice cream with friends.

{Roark teaching Monroe how to make wontons} 

Friday, September 4, 2020

Back to (Virtual) School

The first day of school is here! It will definitely be a different school year as we're doing it virtually for the foreseeable future, but at least we don't have to put shoes on for the walk to school. 😄 And we're all very excited about both Parker and Conway's teachers ... so let's go!

Parker started fourth grade with Ms. Gunsolus - fourth grade!! He chose to wear his "heart of gold" shirt for the first day of school and there isn't a better descriptor for this guy who says, "When I grow up I want to be a dad." His favorite people are Ms. Russell (his third grade teacher) and Lydia (his best friend from third grade who sadly isn't in his class this year.)

Conway started first grade with Mrs. Diller! He's all about animals - reading about animals, writing books about animals, drawing pictures of animals - so it should come as no surprise that he wants to be a zoo keeper when he grows up. And the kid definitely loves resting. See below for how I found him during one of his "recesses" on the first day of school.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


At this rate, Conway will soon be toothless!