

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Monroe Turns Four!

Monroe at 4 Years Old
Height: 42.0 in (84%)
Weight: 42lb 10oz (91%)
BMI: 17.0 (86%)

Monroe is SO excited to be four years old! He is a very exuberant kid with high highs and low lows. He loves deeply and gives the greatest hugs and kisses but watch out because he's also a wrecking ball when he gets angry. And don't you dare laugh at his cuteness when he's upset. It's hard, though, because he really is so darn cute, even when he's angry. And here's a little more about Monroe as he turns four years old. He...
  • loves to ride his balance bike and his "Seahawk" bike, which has training wheels. He's so close to balancing and pedaling at the same time. 
  • is SO LOUD.
  • can flit between happy as a clam and tantrum on the floor frustrated quicker than you can blink.
  • seems to have a pretty great memory. He surprises us sometimes with what he remembers. The other day he busted out a song about the water cycle (with words like evaporation, condensation, and precipitation), which was a song he had overheard Conway learning and practicing several weeks prior.  
  • is reading a pretty good list of sight words and has started picking up on what it means to sound out words.
  • still appears to be left-handed and left-footed. 
  • is still obsessed with picking out his own clothes. We've mostly decided to let that one go, which means he's often wearing some pretty hilarious outfits.
  • is back on track with napping...most of the time. He generally takes a nap from 1:30 - 3:30 every day.
  • is in a big boy bed now. The transition was pretty smooth, but over the last month or so he's taken to coming out of his room because he needs to go potty (again), needs (another) drink of water, needs (another) hug and kiss. It's getting pretty old. 
  • says the words "Stop It!" quite frequently. We're really working with him on being a little more specific about what he would like the person to stop doing and saying it a bit more calmly rather than going straight to yelling.
  • loves playing with stuffed animals, especially with his big brothers. He/they have a pretty ridiculous collection of them and they use them in all sorts of make believe situations. His current favorites are Big Howler (a wolf he got for his birthday), Carlos (Papa's cougar), Ali (Mama's meerkat), Sweetie (a dog he got for Christmas), and Cheetie (a Cheetah he got a couple of Christmases ago).
  • is very social, but he can also play by himself in his room for a really long time. He especially loves to have races with his cars, build block structures, and "read" books to himself.
  • often says "Wait, what?" in the funniest way after someone answers a question he's posed. Ex. Q: What are we doing after snack? A: Going for a bike ride. Q:Wait, what?? It's hard to do this one justice without it coming out in his cute little sing-songy voice.  
  • has a few other fun phrases and pronunciations - Yet's Go! = Let's Go!, yiterawy = literally, Odi-One Kanodi = Obi-Wan Kenobi (from Star Wars)
  • loves to be naked, do nature pees, yell and grunt at seemingly random times, and flex his muscles while yelling about how buff he is. We're basically raising Monroe to be a frat boy. Yikes! But he also gives some of the best hugs, kisses, and compliments. Can't wait to see what's next for this little/big guy!
{Birthday Dinner: Chili Dogs and Salad with Ranch}

{Parker decided to go with mustard and hot sauce on his birthday dog}

{And Conway brought it home with simply ketchup}

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