

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Coe's "Bike Course"

I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned here previously, but while some skills may be suffering during this time, biking skills are definitely benefitting. The boys' favorite thing to do is build jumps and ramps for their bikes in the woodchips at Coe. And of course they want their stunts to be recorded. So here they are...

Friday, June 26, 2020

A Refreshing Week in Seabrook

It was a a bit of a last minute decision to head to Seabrook a few days before school was "out for the summer". And while we were all still very much together All The Time, the change of location was so great!! The fresh air, the walks, the bike rides, the beach - all so physically and mentally refreshing. It felt a bit like a week long exhale. 

{Monroe can finally pedal himself on our family bike rides!}

{Do they look alike?}

{How about now?}

{Yahtzee with beer & ice cream}

{A LIVE sand dollar - a first for us and really cool!}

{Sometimes you just want to hold hands when you leave the beach}

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's Day!

We celebrated Father's Day in Seabrook this year! There were lots of cards and time at the beach for digging in the sand. David even got to play golf this Father's Day...kind of. He brought a few clubs to the beach and got some swings in with a tennis ball that the boys could chase down. And then Monroe helped assemble a banana cream pie, his papa's favorite. 

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the kids' cards:
"If my papa had $100 he would buy a bucket of golf balls."
"When Papa goes to work his job is to go on a conference call."
"I always feel comforted when you're here and I love playing sports with you."

Yep, David really is the best Papa ever! 

Friday, June 19, 2020

Another School Year Comes to a Close

It has become our tradition to end the school year with a pit-stop at Ken's Market for ice cream treats, which we take home and enjoy on the porch while talking of the school year behind us and the summer ahead. This was an interesting school year, to say the least, and we brought it to a close from Seabrook. Parker took his last class Zoom call from the porch of the rental house and instead of getting a treat from Ken's Market we got ice cream from The Sweet Life, Seabrook's local ice cream shop. Hard to say what the next school year will look like, but for now we're going to enjoy our summer break. 

Peace out third grade, kindergarten, and preschool! 
Look out fourth grade, first grade, and pre-k! 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Monroe = Big Boy Bike Rider

Monroe has been hinting at riding a "big boy bike" for a long time now. Even back when he turned three we thought he would combine his balance bike skills with his tricycle pedaling skills any day. And then he started pedaling with training wheels and wasn't motivated to progress. That is, until he realized he couldn't ride over bumps and jumps through the wood chips at Coe Elementary with training wheels. He took a short step back and used his balance bike again for a while and then when David gave him back his "Seahawk bike" with out the training wheels he took off like a pro. And the rest is history. Monroe is a bike boy bike rider!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Field Day

Like so many things these days, what was suppose to be the Coe Elementary Field Day became the Totten Homeschool Field Day. The kids participated in about 10 events using things from around the house and it was lots of fun...until it wasn't anymore. ☺ And at that point we turned to popsicles!

{Climb the Ladder}

{Flip Your Lid}

{Bowl Ball}

{Ummm, not sure what this event was}

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Kinder Grad Conway

Conway and his classmates had a graduation parade to celebrate this school year and all the learning, growth, and fun they experienced together...and apart. We made a poster for the car and waved as we drove past the cheering kindergarten teachers in front of the school. So long, kindergarten! Look out first grade!

Friday, June 12, 2020

Kindergarten Dads and Donuts

"Dad's and Donuts" is a Kindergarten tradition that usually takes place in the classroom. Of course this year that couldn't happen and the plan was for it to take place via Zoom. And then at the last minute the Zoom call had to be cancelled too! But that couldn't keep Conway and his papa from getting donuts together. So they put on their masks, headed over to Top Pot, picked up some donuts, and enjoyed their own outdoor Dad's and Donuts - just the two of them.