

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

May Engineering Challenges

{Build a bridge from one side of the city to the other}

{You discovered a new type of insect}

{Build the world's fastest race car}

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


This time of quarantining and homeschooling has had plenty of challenges, but it has also offered some hidden gems that we may not have discovered if we weren't stuck together all...the...time. One such discovery is Draw Together with Wendy Mac, a professional illustrator who started a daily art class on Instagram when schools closed due to the Coronavirus. She saves each of the classes to her #DrawTogether YouTube channel and the boys love them! She's laid back and silly and really engaging. And of course there's her signature pencil mustache that we all enjoy. Here are a few pics of the boys with their drawings and Wendy Mac pencil mustaches.

{Let's Draw Each Other and a Dog}

{Let's Draw Dinosaurs}

{Let's Draw Each Other and a Cat}

{Let's Draw Candy and Cupcakes}

{Let's Draw Under the Sea}

Sunday, May 10, 2020

A Twist On Our Mother's Day Tradition

As with most things these days, our Mother's Day traditions had to be altered a bit this year. In normal times, we head to Alki Beach in West Seattle, but on this very warm and sunny day we knew that it would just be too crowded and convincing these kids to keep six feet of space on a crowded beach is a unachievable task. Instead we went to Myrtle Edwards Park, which is closer, hypothetically less crowded, and with a view of West Seattle across the water. No toes in the sand as the Myrtle Edwards beach in rocky, but I still got to soak up the sun near the water with my boys. It was a beautiful day. 

{A dinner of BBQ ribs and homemade pasta was exquisitely prepared by Chef David}


Saturday, May 9, 2020

Inaugural Slip 'N Slide of the Summer

Kindergarten Mother's Day Tea

The Coe Elementary Kindergarten classes have a tradition of celebrating Mother's Day with a tea party and while we obviously couldn't actually gather at school for our tea party this year, we did so with Conway's class via Zoom. Conway is frequently very sweet to me, but this was a nice reminder of how great it is for just the two of us to do something special together.

Friday, May 8, 2020

We Love Mrs. Ruppert

Conway is so sad that he doesn't get to see his teacher, Mrs. Ruppert, every day. He is very lucky, though, that she lives just a couple of blocks away from us and we were easily able to deliver goodies to her for Teacher Appreciation Week (while keeping a safe distance of course). And we were also able to join his class in a parade past her house. We love and miss Mrs. Ruppert!