

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Corona Virus and Social Distancing: Week Four

Oh boy, week four of quarantine life! It's hard for kids (and adults) to keep distance from others. We did lots of fun things and managed to get outside and enjoy some fresh air, but it sure is awkward and clunky trying to navigate life this way. Here are some pics of some of our quarantine adventures... 

{Making Strawberry Cake}

{Daily Basketball Practice}

{Engineering Challenge: You're stranded on an island. Build a boat to get you home.}

{Hummingbird Sighting}

{It's been well documented - Conway can fall asleep anywhere 😂}

{Easter Egg Art}

{Monroe's Alphabet Matching}

{Parker's Glacier National Park Report}

{Dangerous Spiders by Conway Totten}

{Just a couple of brothers holding hands on our walk}

{Science Challenge: Build a model of a person or animal that can hold the most weight}

{Parker and I took a walk around Queen Anne together and it was really nice to connect with him one on one}

{Yep, more snuggling and napping}

Stay healthy, stay sane!

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