

Monday, April 27, 2020

April Engineering Challenges

Challenge 1: You and your friends decide to build an epic tree house.

Challenge 2: The king needs a new castle to protect him from dragons.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Papa Gives Waffle Friday An Upgrade

Waffle Friday has existed in our house ever since David introduced it while on infant care leave when Monroe was born. Now that the corona virus has him working from home every day, though, David has raised the bar on what was already a fan favorite. Why top the waffle with just maple syrup when you can add whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and strawberries? And the protein from the accompanying fried egg balances out the carbs, right? The sugar high that followed would suggest otherwise, but that didn't keep the kids signing off on the changes!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Spring Break Photos: COVID Staycation

We weren't able to go to San Diego for Spring Break like we had planned, but we still had a pretty nice week. David dialed back the work and we enjoyed some fun at home and around Seattle. Pictured above: The boys are reluctant yogis, but they're getting better and better at our CosmicYoga adventures. 

{They still love moving dirt around the yard with their construction vehicles}

{Crushing the bike course at Coe}

{Discovery Park hike and beach fun}

{Exploring frigid waters at Golden Gardens}

{Conways version of a Covid beard}

{Monroe continues to dress like this each morning}

{Yep, more puzzles}

{This is as far as we got out on the sailboat, but it was still lovely}

{Maggie Bluffs for their "famous hopscotch" and take-out} 

{Picnic lunch back home - a spring break win}

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A Cheerful Chalk Message

While we can't really be together with friends right now, there are still some fun ways for us to connect. This lovely surprise was waiting for us on the sidewalk in front of our house one day - some cheerful words and pictures left by Conway's kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Ruppert, and her family.  

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

As with everything these days, Easter was a little different this year. Usually, after church we head to our friends the Pannoni's house for brunch, a visit from the Easter bunny, and an Easter egg hunt. This year church happened via Zoom from our couch at home and there was no Pannoni brunch, but the Easter bunny still showed up at their house and dispersed eggs for the kids to collect. So we headed over and while the kids collected eggs we got to socialize...from an appropriate distance. And although we feel so lucky to have such great friends like the Pannonis in our lives, that isn't really what Easter is about. It's about celebrating the sacrifice Jesus made to save us. 
He is Risen! 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

COVID-19 Spirit Week

A friend and fellow Coe Cougar organized a spirit week to lift everyone's spirits while they can't be together at school. Obviously David was in and he got the kids to participate too...mostly. And at the end of the week the family that organized it left "Spirit Week Winner" bags filled with donuts on the doorsteps of everyone who participated. Coe sure does have some amazing families! #covid19spiritweek #queenannekidsrule

{Day 1: Onesie Day}

{Day 2: Sports Team Day}

{Day 3: Color Day}

{Day 4: Beach Day}

{Day 5: Rock n' Roll Day - David decided to go "straight to backstage". Ha!}

Corona Virus and Social Distancing: Week Four

Oh boy, week four of quarantine life! It's hard for kids (and adults) to keep distance from others. We did lots of fun things and managed to get outside and enjoy some fresh air, but it sure is awkward and clunky trying to navigate life this way. Here are some pics of some of our quarantine adventures... 

{Making Strawberry Cake}

{Daily Basketball Practice}

{Engineering Challenge: You're stranded on an island. Build a boat to get you home.}

{Hummingbird Sighting}

{It's been well documented - Conway can fall asleep anywhere 😂}

{Easter Egg Art}

{Monroe's Alphabet Matching}

{Parker's Glacier National Park Report}

{Dangerous Spiders by Conway Totten}

{Just a couple of brothers holding hands on our walk}

{Science Challenge: Build a model of a person or animal that can hold the most weight}

{Parker and I took a walk around Queen Anne together and it was really nice to connect with him one on one}

{Yep, more snuggling and napping}

Stay healthy, stay sane!