

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Coronavirus and Social Distancing: Week Two

Well, week two of social distancing has come and gone. It's very weird and awkward, but we are starting to get into a little bit of a groove. Our homeschool routine is set and the kids are actually doing pretty well, but Parker in particular comments a lot about how much he misses his teacher and friends. And here are a few things we did this week...

{Mosaic sidewalk chalk art}

{Midday homeschool exhaustion}

{Watching sports hightlights with Papa}

{Counting with stuffies - brought to you by the number 12}

{Discovery Park Hike}

{Storytime with stuffies}

{Cosmic Kids Yoga}

{Parker playing Battleship with his friend Lydia via Facetime}

{Family bike ride around Lake Union}

{Stuffie Swaddling}

{More Storytime}

{Rock Polishing}

Stay healthy, stay sane!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Coronavirus and Social Distancing: Week One

What a crazy time this is! David is mostly working from home and school is cancelled for the foreseeable future in an effort to slow the spread of the Coronavirus. We're healthy and we're trying to get into a new rhythm with homeschooling and generally being together ALL the time. Here are a few of the things we were up to in this first week of social distancing...  


{Conway at the (mostly empty) office with David one day}


{Exhausted from homeschooling}

{Hiking at Discovery Park}

{Happy St. Patrick's Day! Signage courtesy of Parker}

{A Girl Scout cookie delivery from Conway's teacher, Mrs. Ruppert} 

{Another trip to Discover Park}

{And more puzzles...}

Stay healthy, stay sane!

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Is It Broken?!

We all thought Parker's arm was broken, including the doctor who admitted him when she felt the big bulge on his arm. After multiple trips to the x-ray room, it turned out that the bone was simply bruised, which we were told can hurt just as much as a broken bone. Who knew? So Parker got to watch a movie, was given some drugs that made him loopy, and was sent home with his arm in a splint. And now he has to take it easy on his arm. Sure...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Monroe the Seahorse Swimmer

Monroe has started swim lessons at Safe N Sound and he is very excited to be a Seahorse level swimmer. My take on what that means is that he is willing to put his eyes in the water, practice arm reaches and leg kick, and float on his back with assistance. Yay Monroe!