

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Day Parker Made Breakfast

It was Sunday morning and I could hear that the big boys were awake, presumably playing in their room like they do every Sunday morning until I invite them out for breakfast. Only this Sunday morning was very different. Instead of playing quietly in his room, Parker had gotten Monroe out of bed and then started making breakfast for himself and both of his brothers. 

This is a picture of the scene I walked into as I was planning to start breakfast. After snapping the picture and inquiring about what was going on, I proceeded to make myself a cup of coffee, take a seat, and relax as Parker made breakfast: peanut butter and jelly toast, kiwi for himself and Conway, oranges for Monroe (who doesn't like kiwi), and bowls of cereal. I just sat there with my cup of coffee, trying to decide if I should be cross with them for coming out of their rooms before a grown-up was present or excited at the idea of Parker taking over breakfast duties. 

Regardless of how that question should be answered, one thing was undeniable. Parker was laser focused and exceedingly proud of himself. A couple of times I asked him if he needed my help and he was very clear that he had started this on his own and he wanted to be able to finish it on his own. There are lots of examples of Parker being a great big brother, but seeing him make breakfast for his brothers as he explained the process to them is a pretty memorable one. Now on to putting him in charge of dinner...

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Seattle's First Snow of 2020

The first snowfall of the year is always so exciting! Even though we didn't get very much, the kids still enjoyed making snowballs, sledding, and even just rolling in the snow. They held on as long as they could and by the end they were sledding in grass with a thin layer of ice over it. It made for some very muddy clothes, but they had a blast.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Story Time

Just a little story time for Conway and the stuffies.