

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Totten Family Princes

Hard to say which Totten prince is most excited about Monroe's new castle/tent.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The End of Sailing Season?

Fall is upon us and although it is really beautiful, each time we are out on the boat the question in the air is: will this be our last sail of the season?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


The boys have gotten into the swing of school, but the first few days were a little hard, especially for Monroe. He wasn't use to both Parker and Conway being gone for so long so reuniting after school has been full of smiles and hugs and cuddles on the couch with books.

Conway has done great with the transition to full day Kindergarten, but he is working really hard and often all tuckered out when he gets home.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Monroe Starts Preschool at Little Red Wagon!

Monroe was very excited for his first day of preschool at Little Red Wagon! He was a little confused as to why he's in Ms. Christina's class instead of the Pre-K classroom we took Conway to each week last year, but he settled in quickly anyway. Apparently when he grows up he wants to give hugs so we're really looking forward to all that's in store for this little hugger this year. Get after it, Monroe!!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Conway Starts Kindergarten!

Conway started Kindergarten with Mrs. Ruppert and he was SO excited! He's been talking about starting Kindergarten since his first day of Pre-K last year. He got a little nervous over the summer, but his excitement was reinvigorated when he found out that Mrs. Ruppert would be his teacher. According to Conway, Mrs. Ruppert loves him and says he's the best and I'm not going to argue with that Kindergarten confidence. 
Look out Coe, here comes Conway!!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Our Little Ham

Apparently Monroe likes the camera and can be entertained with a photo shoot during Parker's soccer game. Thanks Jessie Caruso for capturing these.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Parker Starts Third Grade!

Parker started third grade with Ms. Garza and he is now on the third floor of Coe Elementary, which apparently is a big deal. He dreams of being an American Ninja Warrior and he's excited about the friends in his class and his teacher (who earns bonus points for being his friend Neko's fourth grade teacher a couple years ago). 
Let's go Parker!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Final Days of Summer Break

Our final days of summer break were spent picnicking at Gas Works Park, exploring Woodland Park Zoo, and biking around Queen Anne. And just like that, summer break comes to an end. Hello Fall!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Summer Science Challenge: Climbing Water

Challenge: Move water from one cup to another without touching or pouring it.