

Monday, August 5, 2019

2nd Annual Rivergirl's Reunion

For a while it looked like our Rivergirl's Reunion wasn't going to happen this year because our schedules weren't aligning, but thank God it came together. This year Anna, Sarah, Connie and I met up in Alta, UT at Damian and Elly's place in the mountains. We went on a 10 mile hike to Cecret Lake, rode the tram to the Summit at Snowbird, watched a giant hail storm from the comfort of the house, laughed our way through glow in the dark Bocce Ball, and best of all enjoyed quality time together. Although it was technically meant as a girl's weekend, we were thrilled to have Damo there as well. He didn't accompany us on every outing, but Damo did became affectionately known as our House Boy as he always seemed to be ready with food and drinks for us. It was another lovely time with these amazing people in an absolutely stunning place.  

{The view of Alta's mostly barren ski runs from Elly & Damo's deck}

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