Monroe at 3 Years Old
Height: 39.0 in (80%)
Weight: 37lb 13oz (94%)
BMI: 17.5 (86%)
How is our baby already three years old?! Well, he certainly doesn't look like a baby. In fact, at his three year old check up his doctor paused while looking at his stats and with a smile and a bit of a chuckle said, "Well Monroe, you're a beast!" He really is turning into a big boy and growing and learning so much. For a while there if you asked him if he was a little boy or a big boy he would waffle between the two. Nowadays, though, he very confidently views himself as a big boy. And don't you dare disagree with him. Here are a few more points of interest about three year old Monroe.
- He wants to be with his big brothers, and do everything they do – play with legos, play basketball, draw, etc.
- His eyes are so expressive…you know when he’s happy and excited, and his eyebrow furrow is unmatched! His on-cue frustrated face is pretty hilarious.
- He's a very physical kid who loves to tackle, hug, and frankly just LEAN on you to ensure you’re giving him the right amount of attention.
- It's actually kind of funny when he is told to do something he doesn’t like. He immediately frowns, lets out a loud groan, and then finally submits with a “fine.”
- Relatively new – he wants to pick out his own clothes and is even getting together from time to time the ability to put his own clothes on.
- His vocabulary is through the roof! It's actually surprising what comes out of his mouth sometimes – both the good and the bad he hears from his brothers, he repeats…and surprisingly, with the right context.
- Loves listening to music, always wants there to be music playing. We appreciate music in our family, but as soon as the car is started Monroe starts asking for music...and then for it to be turned up...and then for it to be switched if there's a commercial or someone is talking instead of playing music.
- He has started picking up books in the morning and reading/turning the pages instead of yelling "Papa! Mama!". We love this!
- Nap time is hit or miss these days. He goes for good stretches and then decides for a few days in a row that he's just going to roll around in his crib for the entire nap. At least he isn't screaming or climbing out of his crib, though.
- Monroe and Conway have a cute relationship right now. They especially love to play make believe with their stuffed animals. They certainly have their moments, but they have really become good friends. I hope that they can continue to stay close in the Fall when Conway has longer days away from home in Kindergarten.
- Monroe is going through some sort of phase in which he'll freak out if he thinks he's being left behind. It makes sense except that the times he thinks he's being left is when we are no more than a couple of feet away from him. He'll be right next to us on a walk screaming "Don't leave without me!" We get some looks.
- Monroe has mastered the balance bike. He can give a big push and then glide along for quite a long ways. He is also very good at pedaling a tricycle, but he hasn't yet been able to put the two together and figure out pedaling a bike.
- He is still a pretty good eater although he does still have his favorites (mostly grains) and he's finally starting to catch on to the concept of finishing everything on his plate before asking for more. There are many times, though, that the afore mentioned "frown, groan, fine" comes into play at meals.
- He continues to favor his left foot for kicking and right hand for throwing.
- We can see potty training on the horizon, but Monroe isn't truly interested yet. He does tell us from time to time that when he goes #2 in the toilet he will get to have a big pile of m&ms, which he seems pretty excited about - not excited enough to actually do it, though.
- He’s super ticklish, loves hugs, and has a great laugh!
We celebrated Monroe's birthday with friends at Ella Bailey
Park. There is a noticeable absence of other three year olds because, well,
he's a third child and he gets to hang out with the people we want to hang out
with? Monroe is definitely not suffering, though. When surrounded by all these
big kids, Monroe gets to bask in the glory of being the center of
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