It was an amazing/entertaining/exhausting season and I think most of us were ready for it to be over. David put in so much time and effort coaching Parker's baseball team, The Gray Raptors and it showed. They ended the season with 8 wins, 1 loss, and 2 ties. The kids had a great time and according to the parents on his team, David is earning himself a bit of reputation as an amazing coach (to the surprise of no one who knows him).
The time commitment was less with Conway's t-ball team, who gave themselves the very fitting name of The Cats and Dogs. If you've ever watched a t-ball game before you know that it is much like attempting to herd cats and dogs.
The above picture is an example of what Conway and Monroe looked like at one of Parker's games when they were successfully entertained. It shouldn't take too much imagination to conjure up a mental image of what they looked/sounded like when not adequately entertained. And here are their adorable baseball and t-ball pictures...

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