

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Just Chilax

 Parker continues to crack me up with his writing, this time with a lovely marriage of letter writing and opinion writing. And he isn't wrong, Mom and Dad do sometimes enjoy the opportunity to do stuff like "chilaxing" on the couch.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Monroe Says Goodbye to Lily Pad Preschool

Monroe will still get to see Ms. Kippy for a few camps over the summer, but his first year of pre-school has come to a close. He made new friends, was super excited to go to school each day, and talked everyone's ears off. That's our Monroe!  

Monday, May 20, 2019

Conway the Dolphin Level Swimmer!

This guy is super proud of himself (and so are the rest of us) that he has graduated to the Dolphin level at swim lessons! He's "mastered" the backstroke, rollovers, and kneeling dives and he even passed the safety swim where he swims with clothes on. Next up at the Dolphin level is side breathing, breaststroke, standing dives, butterfly, and treading water. Go Conway!!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day

This was a truly perfect Mother's Day, complete with a banner, cards, breakfast in bed, a pedicure, and an afternoon with my family in the Alki Beach sun. It really doesn't get any better.

{Parker's plan for Mother's Day!}

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Hugs and Fun!

Parker was just deep in a "Friendly Letters" writing unit at school and I couldn't help but post a few of the letters he wrote. One of my favorite parts is how he ends some of them with "Hugs, and fun!" Oh, and when you get to the letters to Fluff and Snow Leopard, those are Parker and Conway's favorite stuffed animals. Enjoy!

(Top photo by the amazing Annie.)