

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Conway Turns Five!

Conway at 5 Years Old
Height: 44in (73%)
Weight: 39lb 10oz (43%)
BMI: 14.4 (16%)

Conway is five years old!! He can be silly and fun loving and also deep thinking and analytical. He still loves to question/debate/argue about everything so we're still working on harnessing that "skill" for good rather than evil. For his birthday dinner Conway chose corndogs and asparagus followed by rice crispy treats. And here's a little more about him. Conway...
  • has become legit at riding his bike.
  • fell off his bike when he was first learning and landed directly on one of his front teeth so that tooth is gray now. 
  • still has just the cutest, melt your heart smile.
  • makes some really great faces. Describing them in writing really can't do them justice, but I needed to mention this anyway. One example is that sometimes when he's greeting you or agreeing with you, he'll point at you with both hands, give you a sort of wink, and make a clicking noise with his mouth. I don't know why this is so funny coming from a five year old.
  • is fairly serious and sensitive and gets a chip on his shoulder pretty easily these days. We're definitely working with him on letting things go, not holding a grudge, and not retaliating.
  • loves his brothers and is really sweet to them....sometimes. As the middle child, he's pretty good at playing with either his older or younger brother. He and Parker like to play basketball, soccer, and Legos together. He and Monroe are mostly into make believe with their stuffies. They make them meals in the play kitchen and have them do playdates and all sorts of activities together. It's pretty cute.
  • has given Snowy Seahawk (his stuffed snow leopard) the reining title of favorite stuffed animal. He still loves to play with lots of his other stuffed animals, but Teddy now sits in the corner and watches Conway play with his new favorite toys.
  • still loves his alone time. If he's tired or overwhelmed or upset, he'll grab his sleep sack and stuffed snow leopard and go lay down. I love that he knows what he needs, but I do wonder how this will manifest in teenage Conway. When I find him like this at age five he usually wants to tell me what's going on. I hope that is still true as he gets older.
  • still has the last few hints of his little boy run and I'm not looking forward to the day when he finally transitions fully into big-kid run form.
  • has technically given up naps. He does go into his room for a quiet time from about 2:45 - 3:45 and about 95% of the time he is asleep when I go in to get him.
  • still loves to play dress-up. It's hard not to bust out laughing when he and Monroe come upstairs in full costume. They like to complete their looks with lots of accessories. 
  • still says lellow instead of yellow and adocado instead of avocado and I hope that never changes. 
  • loves to draw and color. I'm often impressed by how long he can sit and stay focused on this activity.
  • is stoked about starting kindergarten next year. He even talks about the different kindergarten teachers at Coe and which ones he thinks he might get. He's very matter of fact when he reminds me that we don't know who his teacher will actually be, though, and that in the end it will be a surprise. Kindergarten Conway is going to be a riot!
We love you Conway!!

Monday, February 25, 2019

Guinea Pig Pals

Monroe's preschool class has four guinea pigs and the little toddlers get to hold them often. His teacher, Miss Kippy (God bless her!), wraps each guinea pig up in a blanket like a little baby and the kids take turns sitting on the couch holding the little critters. It is just the cutest thing ever!! Monroe knows each guinea pig by name, has his favorites, and talks about them at home often. 

Friday, February 22, 2019

Mid-Winter Break at Timberline Lodge

We spent a little piece of Parker and Conway's mid-winter break at Mt. Hood's beautiful Timberline Lodge. Monroe stayed back at Aunt Sarah's house and Grandma Connie joined us for two days of skiing and one night in the lodge. In addition to skiing we had fun playing ping pong, shuffle board, swimming in the pool surrounded by snow, and just goofing off in the hotel room. There's something about staying in a hotel room all together that's so thrilling and fairytale like to the kids. And it was pretty lovely for us adults as well.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Touch of Gold - Puerto Vallarta

It was no surprise to anyone who knows our friend Lars that when he decided to plan a trip to Puerto Vallarta for his 40th birthday, he made it an event to remember. From the amazing house we stayed in (Casa Caleta) to the Touch of Gold theme (#TOG), it was fantastic! We flew in on Thursday with four other couples plus Lars and Shannon's adorable little girl, Ella, and her nanny, Emma.

We spent all day Friday out on the water and then had a lovely dinner at Hacienda San Angel followed by some attempts at joining the lively PV nightlife....

On Saturday we got decked out in all our #TOG gear and did a taco tour on bikes! Then we enjoyed some pool and beach time followed by Lar's birthday Touch of Gold dinner on the beach...

Sunday was a leisurely day spent exploring Puerto Vallarta and enjoying the pool and beach. And then, sadly, on Monday we had to pack up and fly home. It was an all around AMAZING trip!
Happy Birthday Lars!!