

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Superheroes Unite!

Yep, we were all superheroes for Halloween and I hope the boys will always be game for our whole family wearing coordinating Halloween costumes. Wishful thinking? Absolutely! Every year I think to myself that it will probably be the last that all three boys have costume ideas that somehow mesh with each other. So when they were all excited/obsessed with superheroes we had to take advantage of it. And I even got David to wear a costume! Happy Halloween!


{The Flash wasn't fast enough to avoid being turned into a mummy at school}

{Conway's Pre-K class in all their costumed cuteness}

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Come On Calcium

It's official. Monroe is in fact the first of the Tiny Tots to break a bone. While it is no shocker that he is the first (given his size, gusto, and desire to keep up with his big brothers), it is a bit of a surprise that it happened at age 2. Monroe jumped off the side of a slide at the playground and landed poorly which resulted in a fractured radius in his right arm. He was pretty upset, which should have been our first clue straight away that it was in fact broken because this kid is a bruiser. He's gotten the nickname "linebacker" for a reason, people. But now that he has a splint on it he's back out there causing trouble and being reckless. Be safe, Monroe, if only for the sake of your mama's sanity.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Muffin Man

Muffin making in our house has been documented on this blog here and here and Parker use to be my primary sous chef, but when he started full day school a couple years ago the "Main Muffin Man" baton was passed to Conway. And since he'll start full day kindergarten next year I'm feeling an extra nudge to appreciate every moment I have with this sweet Pre-K boy. Bonus: he's pretty good at making muffins.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Little Red Wagon Pumpkin Carving Night

David was out of town for the annual Dad's/VIP Pumpkin Carving Night at Conway's preschool so he got to bring a VIP, Grandma Connie! They carved a pumpkin (Conway insisted on a green one of course), ate treats, and took selfies. Not a bad night for both of them. 

{"Grandma, this pumpkin is heavy!" 😂}

Hello Tooth Fairy

Parker finally lost one of his front teeth, which had been hanging on by a thread for some time now. See below for what it looked like prior to falling out. I think the rest of us might be more excited about no longer having to look at that thing than Parker is about the Tooth Fairy's visit! Oh, and another wiggly tooth on the bottom fell out the next day. At this rate Parker's going to have difficulty eating soon. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Pumpkin Patch??

Well, a trip to the pumpkin patch did not happen for us this year. The combination of David's travel, family trips, kids' soccer, and other commitments was a doozy, but the kids still wanted pumpkins of course. So finally we just walked up the street to Ken's Market and very easily procured some lovely pumpkins. It wasn't the most festive way to get them, but the boys were still super happy and it was a whole lot easier. The question now is: Will we go back to the madness of the pumpkin patch next year? 


P.S. Pumpkins!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Peace Out Maison Rouge

It's sad, but true. Maison Rouge, our rental/vacation home in Chelan has sold. We had so many great times there over the last four years, but the time was right. The good news is that this is not the end of the good times in Chelan. In fact, we have already booked a place with the Johnsons for this coming summer at our old stomping grounds, Wapato Point. And here are some pictures from our farewell tour at Maison Rouge...  

Sunday, October 7, 2018

When The Seahawks Game Becomes Too Much...

… And you curl up on the floor by the couch to recoup with a snooze … and then get right back to watching the game (and cuddling). 

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Reading Buddies

This might be my favorite thing in the whole wide world to walk into a room and see - Parker reading to his brother. They don't always get along with each other, but somehow witnessing Parker and Conway snuggled up in bed reading together makes the ugly in life melt away. ❤❤