

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Tub Time

That's all. Just a cute pic of all three boys in the tub. Not sure how many more of these we'll be able to get. They're running out of space in there!

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Go Sounders!

Sounders games continue to be more about the food than the actual game for the Totten boys, but they were actually really into this game. Of course, an action packed 4-0 win doesn't hurt. Or maybe Uncle Damo is a good luck charm. Whatever the reason, this was an all around fun game and has kept our hopes alive for what it can be like to go to Sounders games with the kids.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

First Day of School

It has become a tradition for Parker and me to get a frozen treat from Ken's Market on our walk home from his first day of school and this year Conway got to join us! Conway and Monroe(!) started school the following week. Parker is very excited to have Mr. McGregor as his teacher this year. Conway told me after his first week of Pre-K that he thinks he's ready for Kindergarten now. :-) And when I took Monroe into his classroom for his first day of preschool with Ms. Kippy, he turned to me and very confidently said "Go". Never mind the other two year olds around him who were crying as their parents left. Well, look out world. The Totten boys are coming! 


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Seabrook for Labor Day

Many of our friends have been spending Labor Day weekend in Seabrook, WA for years now and in fact a few of them even own a vacation home there together, but for some reason this was the first year our family joined in on the fun. I mean, what's not to love? Lots of friends for the kids and the adults (just look at that gaggle of kids in the picture above!), a playground, bike trails, and the beach nearby! I'm not sure why it took us so long to get on board, but Seabrook for Labor Day will definitely be on repeat for us.