

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Summer Camps

The boys got to take part in some really fun camps this summer and while we didn't get pictures of all of them, I thought the ones we did get pictures of were worth posting. These first two photos are of what we commonly refer to as "Mama Camp". Basically it means the boys didn't have another camp so we were able to go on an adventure/outing together. These two were at the zoo and of course the boys were just as interested in posing with the statues of animals as they were looking at the real animals. Go figure.

{Parker and his friend Finn at a combination Basketball and Football camp}

{Conway and his friend Reid at Sounders camp}

{Parker and Finn at Moss Bay camp where they sailed, paddle boarded, and kayaked!}

{Parker and his friends Roark and Gray at Sweetlines mountain biking camp}

{One day of mountain biking camp was cancelled because of the smoke from surrounding forest fires so in the morning I took Parker an his friends to the zoo...}

{...they went to Gray's house for lunch...}

{...and played at Roark's house in the afternoon. Not a bad day of camp!}

{More Mama Camp at the Woodland Park Zoo...}

{… and a Discovery Park hike!}

And just like that summer is coming to an end...

Monday, August 20, 2018

Rivergirl's Reunion

About a year ago I did a pretty lengthy post titled Smoked Salmon detailing an epic river trip that I was fortunate enough to be a part of. Well, four out of the five of us girls on that trip decided to have a reunion (we were missing Laurie who was busy guiding another river trip). Anna, Elly, and I met up at my mom's farm in Camas for a lovely weekend of glow in the dark Bocce Ball, floating on the Washougal River, a hilarious round of golf at The Edgefield, and lots of catching up and reminiscing. Even though Sarah wasn't able to join the original trip on the Salmon River, we were so glad that we got to have her with us for a portion of this reunion. 
And here are a few photos... 



And the weekend concluded with a peaceful walk through the woods. 
Until next time, ladies. 

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Terrible Twos

{"No Mama! I don't want to take a nap!"}