

Monday, July 9, 2018

A Twist On Our Summertime Trip to Chelan

Our annual summertime trip to Chelan was a little different this year. We still had a great time enjoying the pool and the lake and many Chelan activities, but Lars and Shannon only came for a few days and Finn and Reid didn't join us because they were on a little trip with their grandparents. We did get to have their new little darling Ella with us, but somehow I didn't get a single picture of her! Oh, and Conway became a swimmer! He wanted to take his swim vest off so that he could swim to the bottom of the pool to collect toys so we let him give it a try. He obviously still needs pretty close supervision, but the kid can swim to the bottom of the pool and back up and then keep himself afloat! Here are some of the pictures we did manage to take...

{Almost lulled to sleep by the boat ride}

{Where's the rest of the s'more?!}

  {Movie night in the kids' media nook}

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