

Friday, June 29, 2018

Bike Camp & Mama Camp

Summer break has commenced and the first week that both Parker and Conway were out of school meant Pedalheads Bike Camp for Conway and "Mama Camp" for Parker and Monroe. 

Conway had already mastered the balance bike, but he seemed to be lacking the confidence to make the transition to pedaling and braking while balancing. Enter: Pedalheads Bike Camp! We put the training wheels on his pedal bike for camp on Monday and on Wednesday he was ready to ride without them! The look of pure pride and joy on his face over what he had accomplished made my heart happy.

And while Conway was at Pedalheads, Parker and Monroe got to be with me for what we like to refer to as "Mama Camp". This basically means that we had some fun field trips and adventures together like bike rides, a trip to the zoo, and a Discovery Park hike. All in all, a successful first week of summer break!  


Monday, June 25, 2018

Conway the Seal Swimmer

That's right, Conway has made amazing progress at swim lessons and he graduated to the "Seal" level at Safe n Sound Swimming. This basically just means that he has some basic skills and he's able to keep himself afloat on his own (although it isn't always pretty😊). So now he's ready to use his basic skills to learn some of the traditional swim strokes and deep end skills. He's pretty proud of himself!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Wrapping Up the 2017-18 School Year

The end of the school year means lots of activities to wrap things up and celebrate. Here are some pictures of a few of them...

{Coe Elementary Jog-A-Thon! Look at Parker go!}

{Cheers! Well done, guys}

{Conway and Reid say goodbye to music with Miss Meagan}

{Exhausted from Coe’s Field Day}

{Gymnastics wrapped up for Conway with final routines and medals!}

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Father's Day!

It has become a bit of a tradition to pack up a picnic dinner and head over to Gas Works Park to celebrate Father's Day as it's one of David's favorite things to do. This Father's Day was beautiful and sunny and we all had fun kicking balls around, tossing the frisbee, and throwing rocks into the water. 

Happy Father's Day to the very best Papa! We love you David!

{Conway knows his papa so well}

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Monroe Is Two Years Old!!

Monroe at 2 Years Old

Height/Length: 36.5in (94%)
Weight: 32lb 6oz (91%)
Head Circumference: 48.5cm (49%)

Monroe continues to have LOTS of energy and I guess I don't see that changing anytime soon. He does have to keep up with two older brothers I suppose. Monroe has a super cute smile and people often comment on how happy he is all the time, which is pretty true...until it isn't. To compliment his cute smile he packs a really good scream and a pretty impressive tantrum so watch out. He has also been practicing his pout a lot lately which is actually equal parts cute and awful, depending on the situation. His chubby cheeks and lack of hair continue to make him look like a baby, but his size and attitude remind us that he is growing up fast. And here are some more stand-out tidbits about Monroe at age two.
  • His vocabulary has recently exploded. Some of the more notable things he says are: "oh yeah, baby", pronounces Conway as Con-yay (aka Kanye), still working on a consistent pronunciation of "Parker", gobble-gee = garbage truck, any dessert is usually "cookie" and often in the form of a scream.
  • David taught him the Batman theme music. You know, na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na Batman!
  • He gives great hugs and kisses and often requests hugs. "Ug?"
  • Every color is blue and every number is two.
  • He loves the word "no". I know this is pretty common for 2 year olds, but he must be setting some sort of world record. Seriously, if I had a dollar for every time he used the word "no" I would be a billionaire. Sometimes I think he says it just to mess with me. Grrr!!
  • He loves to run and when he's running he pumps just his left arm.
  • He's actually getting pretty skilled with a ball and generally favors his left foot. If the ball rolls to his right side he'll sometimes take a swing at it with his right foot, but when he has control over placement he kicks a ball with his left 98% of the time. 
  • Monroe is very opinionated about food. He loves bread, pasta, and really any grain and we're slowly working up to the rule that one has to finish everything on their plate if they want more of something. It's probably time to draw the line on this. But oh, the screaming!
  • Favorite food: bread in basically any form, pasta, corn on the cobb, BBQ chicken drumstick, cheese.
  • Least favorite food: cooked greens or really anything that's standing between him and some bread
  • Mornoe is getting really good at riding the scooter and it's been fun to see him gain confidence and skill with it. 
  • He still naps from 1-4. At night he's asleep by 8pm and awake at about 7am. When he wakes up in the morning or from a nap he's generally happy to just talk/sing to himself and his stuffed animals for quite a while as long as he doesn't hear the rest of us having too much fun without him.
  • Monroe loves to have his shirt off and give his belly a good rub.
  • A few little curls are slowly showing up in the form of a mullet.
  • He loves playing in the backyard and he's perfectly happy (if not more so) to be back there by himself. He kicks a ball around a little, plays with some of the other random toys out there, and spends most of the time riding a tricycle around.
  • Monroe is obsessed with Conway. When we're at home or at the playground he can frequently be heard calling out "Con-yay!" when he's lost sight of him. He also asks for Conway first thing in the morning, just after requesting "eat".
  • He is just coming out of a stage of taking his clothes off while in his crib. For what felt like forever, Monroe would try to get his pajamas off while he was suppose to be falling asleep. This would generally end in a lot of crying because he'd get stuck with limbs in places that weren't comfortable. Glad to be rid of that stage. 
  • He did NOT want to stand still for these pictures, but we finally got a few to prove just how cute he really is. 

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Batter Up!

The 2018 baseball and t-ball season has ended and I think it's worth sharing these adorable pictures. Unfortunately even though David coached Parker's team he wasn't in the picture as he was out of town. It was a fun season, but I think we are all ready for the extra space on our calendars. Juggling two kids on two different teams this season gave us a tiny glimpse into our future lives with three active boys. Yikes!