

Monday, May 28, 2018

Introducing Mayspot

I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our family, Mayspot. No, we do not have another(!) child and we don't have any new pets. Mayspot is the name of our new sailboat and it turns out boats, similar to children and pets, are lots of fun and lots of work. Uncle Damo has been working on us for a while now to buy a sailboat with him and somehow he was able to convince us that this one was meant to be ours. So we went in on the sailboat together and have named her Mayspot. Where did the name Mayspot come from? The story goes like this: Growing up our family had pigs on our farm and our parents game Damo and I the job of naming one of them together. Damo wanted to name the spotted pig the very sensible name of "Spot". I on the other hand was learning the months of the year and wanted to name it "JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay" (all the months I had learned at that point). So we compromised and named the pig Mayspot! Mayspot the pig in no longer with us, but the name can now live on in the form of our shared sailboat.

 On Damo's recent visit with us in Seattle, he and David spent lots of time on the boat getting things fixed, organized, and seaworthy. So on Memorial Day Damo, his girlfriend Elly, his friends Merebea and Shawn (who lucky for us are actually experienced at sailing) and I took Mayspot out for a sail. It was a beautiful day and although there wasn't a lot of wind we were in fact able to raise the sails and officially sail(!), as opposed to just motoring the whole time. 

The "Mayspot Board Meeting" in the picture above was actually after Mayspot was safely docked back in her slip in Elliot Bay Marina. David very kindly stayed home with the boys during the actual sailing and then brought them down for snacks after we returned.

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