

Monday, March 19, 2018

A Fabulous Trip to Snowy Utah

David and I went to Alta, Utah to visit Damian and Elly and to ski. We also got to go for a beautiful snowy hike and did lots of relaxing. It was great!! Lots of snow in Alta means lots of work for Damo who does avalanche control with UDOT for Little Cottonwood Canyon. So seeing more snow while we're there means seeing less of Damo. We still had such an amazing time that we have vowed to do it more often than what has somehow turned into an every three year tradition. And here are a few pictures of the long weekend...

{A sick Damian resting on his day off while David, Elly, and I hiked}

{David conquering the weird tow rope contraption we hadn't seen before. Ha!} 

{A look of exhaustion after a great day of skiing in some amazing snow}

{Relaxing over drinks with Damo's friends after we grabbed him from the UDOT office}

{It was St. Patrick's Day and back home the boys were celebrating with Grandma Connie and Great Grandma Lois...and balloons}


{Everyone enjoyed Great Grandma's not so new obsession with ice cream cones}

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Conway Starts T-Ball

For two years Conway watched from the sidelines as Parker played T-Ball. Sometimes I had to physically hold him back because he just wanted to get out there and play with the "big kids". Well, it's finally Conway's turn. Go get 'em, slugger!

Friday, March 16, 2018

First Grade Masquerade

The first grade teachers at Coe Elementary recently hosted a Masquerade Party as part of the school's auction to raise funds for the school. Above you can see Parker with his teacher and the rest of the kids from his class who attended. He was all set to wear a Batman mask to the masquerade, but when he got there and saw that there were colorful, sparkly masks available he ditched Batman pretty quickly. 

{Parker and his bestie Blake hamming it up}

Monday, March 12, 2018

Who Is That Big Boy?!

Monroe has followed Conway's lead and now loves putting on hats. Then, the other day when we got home from picking Conway up from school, Monroe put on his brother's backpack and I couldn't believe how grown up he looked - a little too much so from my point of view. And also pretty adorable, if I do say so myself.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Conway's 4th Birthday Celebration

We had a birthday party for Conway at The Little Gym again this year and when I asked him if he'd like pizza at his party he very quickly responded with, "No, I'd like ham-a-burgers." (aka hamburgers in case you couldn't figure that one out.) The kids bounced, and ran, and were basically happy little crazy maniacs and then they ate Dick's hamburgers and fries followed by cupcakes. Not a bad birthday celebration, I'd say. 

{Philip made Conway a scavenger hunt for his birthday which led him to different clues around the house}

{At the end was a box with Legos and instructions that Philip had made for Conway!}

{Check out all the matching shirts from Aunt Becky - even Monroe in the distance!}