

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Monroe Is 18 Months Old

Monroe's 18 Month Old Stats
Height/Length: 34in (93%)
Weight: 30lb (97%)
Head Circumference: 18.9in (67%)

Monroe is one and a half and he is as energetic and physical as ever! His greatest loves are balls, babies, dogs (or really any animal), and his brothers. He loves giving high fives and hugs and both generally end in tackles, which Parker gets a pretty big kick out of...Conway does not.

Monroe has basically mastered going up and down stairs, which is really nice because now he can navigate his way down the stairs to the basement to play with his brothers. In fact, if someone says, "lets go play downstairs" Monroe generally takes off running toward that door. He has a few different strategies for getting down the stairs, some safer than others. When he's really in a hurry he basically lays on his belly and simply slides feet first all the way down. It's pretty funny to watch actually.

He has also gotten much more stable on his feet recently. He does still take his fair share of tumbles (with the scratches, bumps, and bruises to prove it), but now it looks less like he's being taken out by a sniper and more about him just being reckless. He generally gets from place to place by running and when you see him coming you better brace yourself or get out of his way because Monroe is built like a linebacker and he views life as a contact sport. He's also recently figured out how to walk backwards, which he seems pretty proud of and he loves to dance with moves that tend to look like some sort of yoga pose.

At his 18 month check up he spent the entire time in the exam room emptying book bins, filling them again, climbing in and out of the bins, etc... At one point Dr. Hall took a deep breath and said, "Wow Monroe, you're busy!" Yep.

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