

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Christmas didn't start out all that great this year as Parker was feeling too sick to come to the candle light Christmas Eve service at church and later that night was taken to the hospital because we thought he might have appendicitis. Well, they never did find out why his stomach was in so much pain, but after spending most of the night in the hospital, he and David came home and then rallied on Christmas morning. We opened Christmas presents together with Grandma Dianna and Grandpa Terry and then we drove down to Camas to see Grandma Connie, Grandpa Bob and a whole host of aunts, uncles, and cousins. It may not be a Christmas that goes down in the record books as the most healthy, or the most relaxing, but we did get to see the kids experience the magic of Christmas and enjoy time with our families...and the kids got absolutely spoiled with presents.
Happy Birthday Jesus!

{Parker was very concerned that Santa wouldn't visit us if he went to bed early or went to the hospital.}

{"Hey Batman, have you seen Conway anywhere?" This was definitely one of Conway's favorite gifts. Nice work Parker!}

{Cute or creepy? Monroe got a baby doll for Christmas.} 

{So tired after spending the night in the hospital}

{Cousinland Craziness}

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