

Saturday, November 25, 2017

So Much To Be Thankful For

We did our second annual Run For the Hungry 5k on Thanksgiving morning and then headed over to the Jackson-Dean house to eat an unnecessary amount of food. Then, on Friday we went to the Totten house for another round of Thanksgiving eating and merriment. We really do have so very much to be thankful for.

{Table all set before the feasting}

{After the feasting}

{Jackson-Dean Cousins}

{Totten Cousins}

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Go, Dog. Go!

{Parker, Conway, and me waiting for the Go, Dog. Go! performance to begin at the Seattle Children's Theater}

Thursday, November 16, 2017


One of Monroe's favorite things to eat is a chicken drumstick. He would rarely eat just one, though. In fact, he's been known to take down three or four in one sitting. I'm equal parts impressed and grossed out when he sucks the drumstick bone completely clean.  

Monday, November 13, 2017

Veteran's Day in Chelan

We spent a Veteran's Day weekend in Chelan with the Blankenships and had a lovely time. It was cold and there was a tiny bit of snow, but we still got to do many of our favorite things...

{Parker was invited to help with some digging at a future home site at the Lookout!}

{Somehow Jeanette got stuck in the hot tub with nearly all the kids. Sorry Jeanette!}

{Veterans Day Parade in downtown Chelan}

{Not really the ideal weather for lounging outside, but eventually Parker and Ryan made it on the hammock together}