

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Monroe Is 15 Months Old

This little guy is growing up fast! He's 15 months old now! Monroe does a lot of jibber-jabbering, but most of it is pretty hard to decipher. His few consistent words are Mama, Papa (bapa), ball (ba), and dog (da). What feels really amazing, though, is how much he understands. When given a direction like "Go get your book The Big Red Barn", he goes into his room, finds that book, and brings it back. For some reason it's still so surprising to me when kids' understanding of spoken language far exceeds their own ability to speak.

Monroe loves a lot of things including his brothers, dogs, toy cars, and swings, but he absolutely LOVES balls. When we go to the playground we always try to remember to bring a ball because he'll spend almost the entire time throwing it, kicking it, dribbling it. I've even seen him put his foot on top of the ball and pull it back to himself, which is a tricky skill! He's a walking and running machine and even tries to jump on occasion although his feet don't actually leave the ground. He does still fall a lot, though, as he seems to think he can move faster and/or better than he actually can.

Monroe's mouth is full of teeth. I think he has 12 of them now and he puts them fully to work because Monroe loves to eat. He'll eat almost anything given the right circumstances. He'll devour most veggies if he doesn't see something else he prefers so we usually try to start meals with just his vegetable in front of him and then move on to the other items once he's made some progress on the veggies. He also prefers for things to be whole at this point and generally resembling the food on the rest of the family's plates. Monroe's favorite foods are: corn on the cobb(!), shrimp, pasta, melon (and really any fruit except strawberries), eggs, and cheese. Chicken is not his favorite, but he's been known to devour a drumstick when it's still on the bone.

Monroe decided to drop his second nap shortly after his first birthday. It's actually really nice to have him and Conway on similar sleep schedules and the mornings open for activities now that we don't have to work around his morning nap. Here's his typical schedule...

7:15ish              wake, breakfast
12:00                lunch
1:00 - 4:00        nap then snack
6:30                  dinner
7:30                  bed time  

One of my least favorite developments in Monroe is how out of control he gets when things don't go his way. It can be something that seems pretty minor to me, but when things don't go according to his plan he has been known to sprawl out on the floor kicking and screaming in a giant tantrum. This guy is officially a full fledged toddler. One of my favorite developments in Monroe right now is his ability to sit on my lap and listen to me read a whole book to him. He loves to bring me books, climb up on my lap, and flip through the pages as I read. His current favorites are Big Red Barn, and Toot Toot Beep Beep. Another development that I'm excited about is that he's finally learning how to go down stairs on his own. When he comes to a step now, instead of just walking straight off of it he will at least stop and look over the edge. Then he generally sits down and flips onto his belly before scooting backwards. We call it the "Sit and Scoot" and we say those words to him a lot while at the playground. He definitely still can't really be trusted to go up and down stairs unsupervised, but he's making progress. Oh, and he's also really into high fives and cheers-ing with his water bottle - both are pretty darn cute and fun!

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