

Friday, August 4, 2017

Family Camp

So, Family Camp. This was one of the few weeks this summer that we weren't traveling and none of the boys had a camp so we decided to call it Family Camp. Basically, it just meant that we had a 'field trip' each morning and often an activity that connected to the outing for the two big boys to do back at home. Check out the week's adventures.

Monday: Discovery Park "Adventure Hike"
{Exploring with their artifact bags in hand to collect treasures along the path}

Tuesday: Woodland Park Zoo 

Wednesday: Golden Gardens Beach
This was the outing that I was actually nervous about. I knew the big boys would have an awesome time, but I worried that I would be constantly chasing Monroe and dragging him out of the water. As it turns out he did great. He sat for long stretches of time and either felt the sand in his hands or splashed in the little stream the boys were playing in. It actually turned out to be the easiest and most enjoyable adventure of the week.

Thursday: Tennis 
For some reason I only took this one picture at the tennis court. It does sum up the experience, though. Good times and exhausted boys.

 Friday: Seattle Aquarium

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