

Monday, July 17, 2017

Maison Rouge for the Fourth

It was another awesome week in Chelan for the 4th of July. The weather was beautiful and hot this year which meant lots of water-centered activities - lake, pool, water slides - all good times. The newest addition to our time at the lake this year? No, not another kid (Lord help us!). A boat! Apparently persistence pays off and the guys finally finagled a boat into the family. Other trip highlights: Conway became potty trained! Reid and Conway officially became great friends - they've called each other friends for a while now, but have really started putting it into practice - really cute! And here are photos of the week, if you're interested.

{Yep, that's our boat}

{A little adults only evening cruising}

{Happy 4th of July!}


{A big fall on his scooter left Conway a little battered 😢}

{Monroe's first shaved ice}

{Plenty of relaxing - in the hammock and elsewhere..}

{A trip into town for ice cream with Papa}

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