

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Summer Camps

{Parker with his friends Finn and Lucy at tennis camp}

{Conway and Reid at Lily Pad Camp (aka Kippy Camp if you ask Conway)}

{Deep Sea Discovery themed Vacation Bible Camp}

{Conway's Jumping Jellyfish class at VBC}

{Conway dressed up as a jellyfish :-)}

{Parker's Proud Pufferfish class at VBC}

{Monroe and his fellow Goofy Guppies at VBC}

{Parker with Finn and Lucy at golf camp}

{Conway and Reid at "Kippy Camp" again}

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Parker Turns 6!

Parker at 6 Years Old
Height: 46 in (48.5%)
Weight: 44 lb (35.8%)

Parker is SIX YEARS OLD! He continues to be super curious about how anything and everything in the world around him works. Sometimes that means the wheels of his toy cars get broken because he wants to see what will happen when he puts a bunch of pressure on them. I predict that this is just the beginning of him testing the bounds of cause and effect. It's also fun to see him picking up on social cues more and more and using funny phrases he's heard in correct contexts. He also loves to give hugs and still randomly out of the blue will say, "I love you Papa" (or Mama or Conway or Monroe). That one's a bit of a heart stopper. And if you're interested, here are a few more things that Parker is up to at age six. He:
  • basically sings all the time. All. The. Time. Sometimes the melody and lyrics are recognizable and sometimes not.
  • is still quite independent and able to play on his own for big lengths of time. These days he fills that time with his own Lego creations, reading books, and singing....constant singing.
  • still loves to ride his bike.
  • really good on the monkey bars - a Kindergarten accomplishment.
  • has become a pretty fast eater - probably because he has to do so at school.
  • will still eat a fairly good variety of foods, but he has definitely become a more picky eater recently.
  • really wants everyone to follow the rules and is still working on using his words rather than hands to convince others to follow said rules.
  • often uses the argument of "that is/isn't what someone in my class said", when trying to get his way or prove that he is right.
  • often looks at Monroe and says "Look at that cute little chubby baby" in a baby voice.
  • loves to play with Monroe and have him crawl all over him.
  • likes to show his biceps and calls them heaps. HA!
  • has a pretty hot/cold relationship with Conway. They're best frenemies these days. He loves the idea of sharing with him, but he has begun to see a downside to being followed around and copied by his little brother (who does in fact want to follow and copy everything his big brother does).
  • really loves telling and teaching people about things. I love hearing all about the random events of his day and what he learned. I get the impression that the average stranger on the street is less interested in the details.
  • is gaining confidence in his reading. He's actually a great reader and writer and I think he's just starting to believe it.
  • is very into the date of everyone's birthday and somehow remembers them all.
  • waves or says hi to anyone he recognizes from his school.
  • is going to be a first grader in September. WHAT?!?!
We had a birthday party for Parker at the Coe playground and he and his friends played, rode bikes around the school, and ate cake.

Happy Birthday Parker!