

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Monroe Is 12 Months Old!

Monroe's 12 Month Old Stats
Height/Length: 31.3in (92%)
Weight: 25lb 13oz (96%)
Head Circumference: 46.8cm (71%)

Well, we made it through Monroe's first year and in all honesty it feels like a BIG accomplishment. He's a great kid by all accounts, but three kids is a lot! :-) Monroe is of course adorable and his brothers agree...until he comes in like Godzilla and takes/destroys what they're working on. And he too is becoming pretty territorial. Not that he enjoyed having toys taken away from him before, but now he puts up a pretty good fight - complete with screaming, grabbing, and sometimes tackling.

His favorite toy these days is balls. He can entertain himself for a good chunk of time throwing a ball and chasing after it. He also love to dribble balls around the house on his hands and knees. This leads us to his next big accomplishment. Monroe has taken his first independent steps! He definitely isn't actually a walker yet, but he does string about four steps together on occasion. He also loves waving. Of course, he usually doesn't do it until after the person we've said good bye to is already gone, but oh well. His waves are also accompanied by big smiles - really cute!

Monroe has eight teeth now! A mouth full of teeth for eating lots of finger foods. He doesn't eat a ton of pureed foods anymore because he can put down a lot of finger food on his own. He actually still loves pureed food out of the pouch and he's getting most of his dairy from yogurt out of a pouch these days because he still isn't crazy about liquids from any other vessel except...well... me and I've started to wean him off breast milk. He can drink milk out of a cup with a straw, but he just isn't that into it usually. By the looks of him, though, I think he's going to survive. :-)

Monroe continues to be a good sleeper now and he's pretty consistent. I do see him going down to one nap in the near future, but for now his typical schedule is...

7:30ish              wake, nurse, breakfast
10:30 - 12:00     nap then lunch
2:30 - 4:00         nap then snack
6:30                  dinner
7:30                  bed time  

And just like that, our baby turned into a toddler. "Mama" is really the only word he says still and it seems to be an all encompassing word for hold me/pick me up/I want you/entertain me. He does do a lot of babbling, though, and he loves giving hugs and makes kissing noises when you say "kisses". He really is such a sweetheart. Yay for one!


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