There haven't really been many major changes for Monroe this month. He just seems to be getting better at his current skill set. He pulls himself up on anything and everything without much regard for what it is - table, chair, person. He can also cruise along these objects (or people) like a champ and he especially loves to stand and push boxes or other objects that will slide around the house.
He now has six teeth and he's still quite the biter. He thinks it's super fun to put a stuffed animal or pillow in his mouth and give it a good shake. It looks a bit like something you'd see an animal do to it's prey out in the wild. I continue to be less happy when he chooses me as his prey.
One development I do love, though, is that he has been spitting up less and less. I still get doused every once in a while, but usually it's predictably if he bounces or gets too excited shortly after eating. And on the topic of eating, Monroe has sampled most foods now. He's even eaten many of the foods that have a higher risk of allergic reaction (eggs, peanut butter, shell fish) and so far so good! He does usually prefer finger foods that he can eat on his own these days so he isn't eating pureed food as much.
Monroe loves watching his brothers, getting into whatever they're doing, and climbing all over them. He's been pretty sturdy from day one, but his size and increased mobility is a little deceiving to Parker and Conway. They often need to be reminded that while he loves their attention, he probably isn't ready for full on tackles yet. Gentle: a term that continues to be lost in translation at our house. Oh the joys of a house filled with boys!

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