

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter!

We were still trying to get back on Seattle time after returning from Kauai, but we made it to church Easter morning to celebrate that Christ is Risen! Afterwards, the boys searched the house for where the Easter bunny hid their Easter baskets and for dinner we dined on Easter ham.

Christ is Risen....Indeed! Halleluiah!

{Finn and Parker behaving like angels in church :-)}

{On the hunt for Easter baskets}

{Sous Chef Monroe makes a mean Easter Ham}

The Pannonis host an annual Easter Egg Hunt and Brunch, but since they too were just returning from Kauai they decided to have it before the trip. Unfortunately Parker had to leave before the actual hunt in order to make it to his T-ball game, but Conway and Monroe had a great time "searching" for eggs with a bunch of friends...

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